2023-10-31 14:55:46
SPÖ club and party leader Hanel-Torsch condemns misleading attacks by the FPÖ over car-free days
Vienna (OTS/SPW) – At the meeting of the Margareten district council on September 26, 2023, groundbreaking decisions were made for the coming year, including the 2024 district budget. Next year, Kriehubergasse will be beautified and greened, Scheupark will be renovated and a new community building will be built in Margareten.
“Social democracy stands for a better quality of life: Together with our partners in urban politics, we are fighting for an affordable life in the most livable city in the world,” said SPÖ Margareten club and party leader Elke Hanel Torsch.
The SPÖ applications for more accessibility in public spaces, for a public bookcase in Heinz-Jerabek-Park and for the greening of the sidewalk on Margaretengurtel were approved by the district council.
The FPÖ might also be happy regarding this for five weeks! Instead, she unsettled on time on October 31st. the population with falsehoods. Contrary to the claims, the driving ban application is not an SPÖ initiative. The origin of the application is the “We for Margareten” party. This originally provided for a driving ban in a small section of the district and was only later extended to the entire district. It is correct that the SPÖ approved the application. However, this is not a new topic: a citizens’ jury chose the car-free day as one of the winning projects from the Vienna Climate Team. The feasibility of this proposal is currently being examined. There will be extensive discussions and votes before a final decision is made. A central concern here: access and exit for residents must be guaranteed at all times.
“We work consistently in the interests of the people of Margaret. I invite all parliamentary groups and all elected officials to work together to move the district forward. The prerequisite for this is that you stick to the facts,” says Elke Hanel-Torsch. (Ending)
Questions & Contact:
SPÖ Vienna, Margareten district organization
Tel.: 01/53427-1050
#FPÖ #Margaretens #Halloween #insult #wrong