FPÖ – Mahdalik ad Traffic Calming Inner City: “Patronization and total surveillance, no thanks!”

2023-10-13 17:45:04

Citizen harassment, total surveillance and administrative juggernaut only trigger joy among the SPÖ, ÖVP, NEOS and the Greens

Vienna (OTS) “Citizen harassment, total surveillance and an administrative juggernaut are still arousing enthusiasm among the SPÖ, ÖVP, NEOS and the Greens,” said the transport spokesman for the Vienna FPÖ, LAbg. Toni Mahdalik. The liberal transport spokesman is now amazed at the “euphoria of the new federal branch of the Greens, namely ÖVP”.

“Such measures have a lasting impact on both mobility and the economy. We’re not going to take part in that,” said Mahdalik, who announced relevant initiatives. (Ending)

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#FPÖ #Mahdalik #Traffic #Calming #City #Patronization #total #surveillance

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