FPÖ Lower Austria – Clarification required regarding former housing association

In connection with the “Eigentum Wohnungs- undsiedlungsgesellschaft mbH”, which had been revoked its non-profit status, the FPÖ of Lower Austria demanded extensive clarification on Thursday. State party and club chairman Udo Landbauer wants a U-committee. He located a “grave of millions” and 45 million euros in damage for which the state ÖVP was responsible. The responsible government office said that no damage had been caused to Lower Austria.

The “Eigentum Wohnungs- undsiedlungsgesellschaft mbH” was active in Vienna and originally had its headquarters there. This was relocated to Vösendorf (Mödling district) in 2014. With a decision dated February 15, 2016, the company’s non-profit status was revoked due to violations of the Housing Non-Profit Act. According to this law, payments to the federal state in which the company is located were then necessary, i.e. in this case – to Lower Austria – despite the earlier settlement and activity in Vienna. The rationale behind this is to prevent the owners from profiting from the loss of non-profit status.

Money for “600 subsidized apartments”

According to Section 36 of the Non-Profit Housing Act, the payments consist of two parts, a provisional and a final payment. Totals of 18 and 52 million euros were calculated for the property Wohnungs- undsiedlungsgesellschaft mbH.

According to Landbauer, “only 6.6 million euros have been paid out of the almost 52 million euros in the final cash payment”, which results in the damage of 45 million euros mentioned. “All excuses don’t help: It’s money that the state of Lower Austria is entitled to – and not real estate speculators who hollow out non-profit building associations,” Landbauer stated. “600 subsidized apartments” might have been built in Lower Austria with the money, the Freedom Party calculated on Thursday at a press conference in St. Pölten. For Landbauer, the focus of the allegations is the ÖVP Lower Austria with Provincial Councilor Martin Eichtinger, who must have known regarding “dubious events”.

Cause “dramatically abducted”

“Particularly explosive are agreed installment payments, which are not provided for in the law and were also decided by the Lower Austrian state government. The legal office, which agreed on the dubious installment payment, is also the responsibility of the ÖVP governor (Johanna, note .) Mikl-Leitner. Of course, the presumption of innocence applies to everyone involved,” emphasized Landbauer. “Proceedings are still pending today, which shows how dramatically the cause was delayed: these are now claims that have been reported in the insolvency proceedings.” The housing company slipped into insolvency in 2021.

The FPÖ wants clarification on several open questions, including how “legally unforeseen transactions totaling more than 50 million euros can be smuggled past the state government”. A U-Committee would be suitable for farmers.

SPÖ NÖ needed for U-Committee

According to Article 47 of the Rules of Procedure, one third of the total of 56 MPs, i.e. 19 mandataries, are needed to set up a sub-committee in the Lower Austrian state parliament. The FPÖ provides seven. Due to the distribution of seats in the state parliament, it is clear that the establishment of a U-committee without the support of the SPÖ with 13 mandataries is not possible. Landbauer would like to hold talks with the Social Democrats “in the coming days”. He assumes that the SPÖ is also interested in clarifying the events.

However, the Neos signaled their willingness to discuss the establishment of a sub-committee. At the same time, however, the party membership must finally be banned from the non-profit housing associations, demanded business spokesman Helmut Hofer-Gruber in a broadcast.

“The state of Lower Austria will benefit in any case, because the additional money will benefit Lower Austria housing and Lower Austrian house farmers. This is required by law. 6.6 million euros have already flowed into Lower Austria housing support for the benefit of the compatriots,” it said the topic complex on Thursday on request from Eichtinger’s office. It was pointed out that the 18 million euros in fixed provisional cash benefits were already legally binding. Proceedings are pending at the State Administrative Court for the final monetary payment of around 52 million euros determined as part of the preliminary investigation in November 2020.

No money flowed from Lower Austria

It was also emphasized that the company had “not a single apartment in Lower Austria”. Also, “not a cent of housing subsidies from Lower Austria” flowed to the company and therefore no damage was caused to the state. (apa)



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