FPÖ – Kickl: Tireless commitment to the people of Carinthia has paid off!

FPÖ federal party chairman congratulates Erwin Angerer and FPÖ-Carinthia on the best liberal result in the “post-Haider” era

Klagenfurt/Vienna (OTS) “The tireless work for the benefit of the people of Carinthia has paid off. I would like to sincerely thank the Carinthian FPÖ voters and congratulate Erwin Angerer and his team on the best result in the history of the FPÖ Carinthia in the period following Jörg Haider. People have felt who is really committed to the people of Carinthia and who, conversely, is doing everything to make the lives of our compatriots more and more difficult. After Tyrol and Lower Austria, the FPÖ is also on the rise in Carinthia. This series of successes under different regional conditions gives a lot of confidence for the state elections in Salzburg in April and of course for the next national elections – whenever they take place,” commented FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg today. Herbert Kickl the result of the Carinthian state election.

People had not forgotten that SPÖ Governor Kaiser had been at the forefront of the division of society with the Corona harassment. Today’s minus for the SPÖ is a strong “voter watsch’n” for this behavior. Kickl interpreted the failure of the Greens as a “clear Carinthian rejection of climate communism and left-wing social utopias”.

The FPÖ result was particularly important due to the special situation in Carinthia, where “Team Köfer” and other groups were quasi political plagiarisms of the Freedom Party at the start. This is also an indication that the FPÖ is focusing on exactly the right issues and have set.

For federal politics, the election essentially confirmed that the SPÖ erosion process would not be stopped but intensified and that the government combination of the ÖVP and the Greens was irretrievably worn out by the people – following all, the governing parties in Carinthia together got just 21 percent. “As the FPÖ, we are continuously building trust at all political levels. I’m now looking forward to the next challenges in Salzburg and then, of course, to the upcoming National Council elections,” concluded the FPÖ federal party chairman.

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Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ)



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