FPÖ – Kickl: “Suspend asylum applications and benefits in kind instead of money – Austria needs an asylum stop immediately!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-11 08:32:30

Libertarians will submit a motion in the National Council to stop the “new migration of peoples” next week, calling on the federal government to take immediate action

Vienna (OTS) At the National Council meeting next week, the FPÖ will submit an application for an immediate asylum freeze, in which the federal government will be asked to suspend asylum applications on Austrian soil. In addition, the Liberals are calling for the conversion of cash to benefits in kind for asylum seekers, those entitled to asylum and those entitled to subsidiary protection. “The black-green federal government continues to escalate illegal mass immigration, which has long since taken on the proportions of a ‘new migration of peoples’. With 112,000 asylum applications in the previous year, the disaster years 2015 and 2016 were far exceeded and almost 14,000 asylum applications in the first four months of this year show that this madness threatens to repeat itself this year at the expense of the citizens, their security and their tax money. This must be prevented at all costs, so a ‘Austrian Fortress’ and an immediate freeze on asylum is needed!” Herbert Kickl and recalled the liberal 23-point package of measures to de-attract Austria as a destination country for illegal immigrants, the implementation of which the FPÖ has been demanding since last year.

Black-Green have turned Austria into a “migration magnet for illegal immigrants from all over the world” and with their “total political failure” brought our homeland the inglorious second place behind Cyprus in the per capita burden of asylum applications in the EU in 2022. “Austria is only two percent of the total EU population, but had 13.2 percent of all asylum applications last year, even though we are surrounded exclusively by safe countries. This is an ‘asylum political total loss’ that must be remedied immediately by no longer accepting asylum applications and by massively de-attracting our homeland as a destination country for illegal immigrants – this also includes the immediate abolition of the climate bonus for asylum seekers!”, says Kickl. No solution can be expected from the EU, since it is itself part of the problem: “The recent agreement on an asylum pact, which, among other things, provides for a mandatory distribution mechanism for illegal immigrants, is just further proof that this ‘new migration of peoples’ is only can be stopped at our own border. And that only requires the political will, which only we Liberals have as the only stable political force!” continued the Liberal federal party chairman.

The ÖVP is not even serious regarding a restrictive immigration policy in view of the huge wave of illegal migration, as Interior Minister Karner’s approval of the new EU asylum rules has shown once more, with which he “stabbed the Austrians in the back”: “With brute force ‘PR nonsense’, such as the non-existent asylum brake, and EU affiliation will not stop this ‘new migration of peoples’ – now only decisive action in the interests of our sovereignty will help. And we Liberals call on the federal government to do this with our motion in the National Council. Because the federal government has to serve its own people, their well-being and their future, and not illegal immigrants, Brussels and the self-proclaimed elites there!”

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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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