FPÖ – Kickl on special session: “Real relief against record inflation instead of black-green failure and red hypocrisy!” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-17 10:57:29

FPÖ demands a special meeting with SPÖ to demand the implementation of the FPÖ relief package, to stop bank rip-offs, to show government failure and SPÖ double standards

Vienna (OTS) The FPÖ, together with the SPÖ, will call for a special session of the National Council, which both parties will agree to. FPÖ Federal Party Chairman Club Chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl: “This black-green federal government is responsible for the fact that the prosperity and social security of Austrians is being destroyed and more and more people are slipping into poverty because Nehammer, Kogler and Co. are fighting the damage caused by their fatal policies Record inflation fail completely and thus act as a ‘price driver’. We will confront Black-Green in the same way and once once more demand the implementation of our liberal package of measures for real relief, just as we will also show the double standards of the SPÖ, which, as a willing accomplice of the government, has helped to cause the price explosion from the start and, moreover, people everywhere cashed in where the comrades themselves rule!”

The roots of the record price increase would lie primarily in the coercive Corona regime, the driving of Austria into an economic war by the anti-neutrality sanctions regime and the “eco-Marxist climate hysteria that is hostile to freedom and prosperity”. “The black-green-red unity party laid the foundation for the avalanche of costs. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s the non-stop lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations, the sanctions that are damaging our economy and are completely incompatible with our perpetual neutrality, or the climate policy that is increasingly slipping in the direction of ‘ecocommunism’, which endangers life with CO2 taxes and other burdens artificially makes it even more expensive for the population: Everywhere the SPÖ stood and stands on the side of black and green and not on the side of the Austrians, who have to pay the price for it. In addition, where the comrades might rule and fight inflation, people are massively ripped off. You only have to look at the SPÖ-governed Vienna, where the Reds are digging deep into the wallets of the citizens with rent increases, crazy energy prices and an avalanche of fees. I am therefore also grateful to Mr. Babler and the SPÖ for the special session, because we Liberals, as the only stable force, will also show our evil hypocrisy in the fight once morest inflation,” said Kickl.

The federal government must finally tighten the price brake, as the FPÖ has been demanding for a long time, and must not stand idly by for a single day as everyday life becomes unaffordable for more and more people. “Down with the VAT on food, energy and fuel to the point of complete suspension, introduction of a price brake through a shopping basket including the possibility of a price freeze regulation, abolition of the pointless CO2 tax, end to the self-destructive sanctions regime and a clear edge once morest the rip-off policy of the banks with an excess profit tax or an increase in bank levies, these are the order of the day, with which the record inflation will be stopped and our population will really be relieved. If this unfortunate federal government continues to refuse to implement all this, then it should resign immediately and clear the way for new elections, in which the citizens with a strong FPÖ can set the course for a future of our homeland in freedom, prosperity and security!” declared FPÖ federal party chairman club chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl.

Questions & contact:

Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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