FPÖ – Kickl/Belakowitsch: FPÖ wants to stop sickness and consequential costs for criminal asylum seekers immediately with an application | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-07-16 12:18:05

“Criminal offenders ‘seeking protection’ are to be rewarded with immediate deportation and not with the assumption of medical treatment costs and the climate bonus!”

Vienna (OTS) – In order to “restore his honour”, a Syrian who had recently arrived in Vienna Ottakring murdered his partner on July 3, who had been living in Vienna with their three children for over a year and was regarding to separate from him . As “krone.at” reported, the cost of his bed at Vienna General Hospital alone amounts to 9,000 euros per day – not including other treatment or medical costs. The fact that following the failed suicide attempt of the “ice-cold woman killer” the Austrian taxpayer is now asked to pay for the at least 252,000 euros of the 4-week hospital stay is for FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg. Herbert Kickl and FPÖ social spokeswoman and club chairman deputy NAbg. dr Dagmar Belakowitsch “an affront to the hard-working Austrian and a slap in the face to every woman affected by violence and in need of protection”. “For the omissions of the ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS, the hard-working citizen can now also pay for the medical expenses of this hideous example of failed immigration policy. In the next session of the National Council, we will submit a motion for a resolution in the National Council on a cash drop in the social security and health care system in relation to the costs caused by allegedly seeking protection immigrants through crimes once morest life, limb or property in the National Council. This swamp of billions in tax money must be drained immediately!” Kickl announced.

The liberal social spokeswoman explained in detail: “Under the guise of ‘seeking protection’, such ‘exemplars’ travel to our country to live out their culture of patriarchy and to threaten, abuse and murder women with impunity – this repulsive behavior is allowed to pay for the Austrian. We’re talking billions here. In addition to the costs for hospital stays and treatment and therapy costs of the perpetrators, these are also the victims’ claims under the Victims of Crime Act, claims to invalidity pensions or occupational disability pensions due to consequential damage to the victims, costs for psychological care, widows’ and orphans’ pensions, funeral costs due to the neediness of the victims and their relatives and the costs of the numerous police operations. Our prisons are already hopelessly overcrowded, and the high proportion of foreigners cannot be overlooked. But instead of pursuing a consistent deportation policy, it’s the criminals who are “seeking protection” who are rewarded by the black-green federal government with the climate bonus with free board and lodging – all financed by the taxpayer. This needs to end now!”

The black-green federal government is “incompetent and unwilling”, only the FPÖ is committed to protecting citizens with a “fortress Austria”: “For years we have been pointing out the blatant omissions of the uncontrolled welcome culture without a consistent deportation and integration policy. Instead of finally stopping the import of misogynistic ‘culture enrichers’ as well as violence and murder, it is ÖVP Interior Minister Karner and ÖVP Integration and Women’s Minister Raab, who roll out the red carpet for them and then express their alleged regret following the next woman’s murder. It’s enough: perpetrators, like this brutal woman murderer, who seek protection in Austria and then coldly justify the murder of their own wife with saving their ‘honor’, must be deported to their home country immediately and without ifs and buts, instead of them still have to pay for hospital stays and medical expenses!”

Every murder of a woman is one too many. The FPÖ is the only party that “resolutely works for the security of Austrians and declares war on the import of violence, murder and above all femicides from abroad”. Offenders seeking protection should be rewarded with immediate deportation and not with the assumption of medical treatment costs or the payment of the climate bonus at the expense of the Austrians. “The protection of our women, children and all innocent citizens must be more important than the right to safety of asylum offenders in their homeland. The integration experiment of the black-green federal government has failed. We finally need a ‘Fortress Austria’, with which we can finally put a stop to illegal mass immigration and immediately deport criminal asylum seekers!” said Kickl and Belakowitsch in unison.

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