FPÖ – Kickl/Amesbauer: The ÖVP does not oppose the “new migration of peoples” and keeps the Austrians on the joke | Liberal Parliament Club

The smugglers must finally be deprived of their business basis – by a “Fortress Austria”

Vienna (OTS) “The ÖVP Interior Minister’s review of the so-called fight once morest people smuggling has shown that our police officers on border operations and the soldiers on assistance operations are doing an excellent job within the scope of their possibilities, despite this political leadership. However, they continue to be misused as a ‘welcome service’ for illegal immigrants. Instead of being “gatekeepers” once morest the new migration of peoples, the ÖVP continues to make officials “tourist guides” in our asylum system,” reacted today the FPÖ federal party chairman and club chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl and FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer at the press conference by ÖVP Interior Minister Karner entitled “Current measures to combat smuggling”. The ÖVP lacks the will and courage to finally implement the liberal 23-point action plan and thus the ‘Fortress Austria’. More than 110,000 asylum applications in the previous year, according to reports already 10,000 applications this year. That has to end. This requires an FPÖ-led federal government at federal level. The ÖVP promises but does not deliver. It does nothing to counteract the “new migration of peoples” and keeps the Austrians laughing,” Kickl and Amesbauer agreed.

“Anyone who expected groundbreaking news today was bitterly disappointed. Karner continues to rely on only administering the tens of thousands of illegal border crossings instead of preventing them. The ÖVP has betrayed the Austrians – far and wide there is nothing to be seen of a restrictive asylum and foreigner policy or even a rethinking to finally take effective measures to prevent the new migration of peoples. The long-overdue paradigm shift in this failed asylum and migration policy will only happen with the Freedom Party,” said Amesbauer. The upper limit for asylum propagated by Red and Black a few years ago has long since crumbled to ashes.

“Karner’s much-cited asylum brake is a marketing smear from the PR department in Lichtenfelsgasse. The truth is that the officials’ successes in combating people smuggling are unfortunately only fighting symptoms, because the ÖVP Interior Minister is not prepared to actually take the business basis away from the inhuman people smugglers. That would mean making Austria unattractive as a destination for illegal immigrants. This means, among other things, switching from cash to non-cash benefits instead of throwing in another 500 euros as a climate bonus for those who entered the country illegally. That means preventing illegal immigration instead of managing it. That means a freeze on asylum and the reintroduction of departure centers instead of mass care facilities with all-round care and leisure time care,” emphasized Amesbauer. Herbert Kickl also referred to Hungary in this context: “There were only 46 asylum applications in 2022, in Austria more than 110,000. In Hungary, people take responsibility for their own people – instead of shoving them off on the EU like the ÖVP.”

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