FPÖ – Kassegger: Black-Green Russia sanctions are damaging Austria while Russia’s economy grows stronger than ever | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-09 15:59:35

Suspension of the double tax treaty by Russia is not a surprise

Vienna (OTS) As a “unfortunately expected countermeasure by Russia once morest the ‘knee shot’ Russia sanctions of the black-green federal government in combination with the red-pink sham opposition, which will lead our economy and thus the prosperity in our country a long way further towards the abyss”, designated FPÖ business spokesman and foreign policy spokesman NAbg. Axel Kassegger the suspension of the double taxation agreement with Austria announced by Russia.

It is exactly what the FPÖ has predicted for a long time: “That happens when an anti-business ÖVP-Green federal government takes measures that it doesn’t think through to the end and completely misjudges and overestimates the cause and effect of its own actions – everything to the detriment of the domestic economy and thus the modest social prosperity in our country, because our citizens have worked hard and built it up with a lot of sweat. Because despite the supposedly ‘tough’ sanctions once morest Russia, their economy is flourishing and is growing faster this year than in many G7 countries.”

“For WKÖ Secretary General Kopf, who himself with his ÖVP introduced the sanctions once morest Russia and are driving them forward massively, but at the same time is worried regarding the Austrian economy, which is in an unprecedented low flight, I have a solution that I would like – as with many other demands for freedom – can be copied: end the massively anti-business sanctions once morest Russia immediately!” concluded Kassegger.

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