FPÖ – Kaniak to Minister Rauch: “Consolidating undesirable developments does nothing for the health system or patients!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-18 16:44:04

Bigly announced structural reform is just a “worse improvement”

Vienna (OTS) “The Green Health Minister Rauch is neither an ‘advocate for the patients’ nor does his ‘reform’ improve our health system in the slightest. He did not even seek a constructive dialogue with the health workers and, for the most part, did not even present his ‘suggestions’ to parliament in writing,” said FPÖ health spokesman and chairman of the parliamentary health committee NAbg today. Mag. Gerhard Kaniak sharply criticized the Health Minister’s statements in the Ö1 “Mittagsjournal”.

The much-heralded structural reform is actually just a “worse improvement” that will neither strengthen the private sector nor resolve the dramatic staff shortage. “Rather, Minister Rauch is cementing undesirable developments with additional hundreds of millions of euros in tax money, for example by completely ignoring, according to his declaration of intent, the strengthening of the private practice sector, which is so important for relieving the burden on hospital outpatient clinics. In addition, with the ‘Evaluation Board for Selected Drug Specialties in the Intramural Space’, a kind of ‘death commission’ is apparently planned, which will decide on the treatment of seriously ill people with expensive medicines. This is cold-hearted and unacceptable,” said Kaniak.

Months ago, the FPÖ presented a “guide for action” with its six-point plan, with the implementation of which the staff shortage might be effectively combated and the health system might be brought back into shape in the interests of patients: “Possibility of continuing to employ older doctors, additional training positions and A nationwide uniform scholarship system, a significant expansion of the number of study places available and an increase in the attractiveness of training places in hospitals – these are the orders of the day. However, the ÖVP and the Greens are ignoring these important measures and, at the expense of patients, are further exacerbating the crisis in our health system that they themselves have fueled!”

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