FPÖ – Hauser: Massive shortage of doctors is the result of the government’s completely failed corona and health policy Liberal Parliament Club

Vienna (OTS) “According to the media, 26 doctors are missing at the Lienz district hospital alone, and departments will soon even have to be closed. Unfortunately, the shortage of doctors in Lienz is not an isolated case. The healthcare system is on the decline across Austria – this is at the expense of patients, doctors and medical staff as a whole. This catastrophic development did not fall out of the sky overnight, but is essentially a consequence of the completely misguided, factually contrary corona policy of the system parties ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and Neos. It has massively damaged our healthcare system – through a completely wrong use of the funds, but also through the willful expulsion of qualified personnel from the healthcare system,” criticized Mag. Gerald Hauser, FPÖ member of the National Council from East Tyrol and member of the health committee.

“Doctors had to be vaccinated in order to be able to continue to practice their profession – the same pressure or coercion was put on the health and nursing staff as a whole. This drove many doctors, but also hospital and nursing staff out of the healthcare system, frightened those interested in these professions or even blocked them from this career path,” emphasized Hauser. In this context, the liberal member of the National Council referred to a letter from the medical administration of the Lienz district hospital dated July 27, 2022. “This letter announces that, for example, the corona vaccination is no longer a prerequisite for new hires and service contract extensions. Apparently, an attempt was made to counteract the shortage of staff. Unfortunately, the insight came much too late, as can be seen from the current media reports regarding the massive shortage of doctors,” says Hauser.

While millions upon millions of taxpayers’ money were squandered on a completely misguided corona policy, the government ‘skimped’ on the funds for staff and infrastructure in the hospitals. Around 50 billion euros were “burned” in connection with the Corona regime and invested completely wrong. However, the government has still learned nothing. 1.2 billion euros are earmarked in the federal budget for further corona measures – 301 million euros of this alone for COVID-19 vaccines and accessories. “Since August 6, 2021 at the latest, the world has known that the corona vaccinations do not protect once morest infection and transmission of the virus, which the CDC found in their study! Since August 6, 2021, all measures – such as the lockdown for unvaccinated people or the planned compulsory vaccination – have therefore been scientifically wrong,” Hauser reminded.

In any case, these 1.2 billion euros must be immediately reallocated in their entirety to the health and education system,” emphasized Hauser, pointing out that he had called for a reallocation in the National Council this week, in particular for rapid psychological and psychotherapeutic treatment of children and adolescents, to finance those who would have suffered particularly under the Corona regime. “But the system parties rejected that – a disgrace and a betrayal of our youth,” emphasized Hauser.

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