FPÖ – Hafenecker: The totalitarian moral image of the Greens is becoming more and more apparent – the voters will give the answer! | Liberal Parliament Club

Green club boss was apparently too often with the Federal President and takes over his anti-democratic world view

Vienna (OTS) “The totalitarian moral image of the Greens is becoming more and more apparent!” So commented FPÖ Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker the words of the Green club chairwoman Maurer in an interview with the “Tiroler Tageszeitung”. She said that it was not fixed that the FPÖ would be entitled to the first President of the National Council, even if the Freedom Party emerged from a National Council election as the party with the most votes. “I’m afraid that Ms. Maurer has been with President Van der Bellen too often, who has already stated that he will not automatically give the party with the most votes the task of forming a government. This democratic-political moral image speaks volumes and testifies to the immaturity of this party,” added Hafenecker.

“Politics and democratic rules of the game don’t go together with the Greens. You can also see that in their actions, which are characterized by prohibitions, measures and paternalism,” said Hafenecker, who, however, also asked what actually entitles Ms. Maurer to believe that the Greens would be able to do something following the next election to be able to determine?

“The good thing regarding a democracy is that in the end the voter is always right. This was also the case in 2017, when voters removed the Greens from parliament with their voting behavior. I’m almost glad that Maurer spoke. In this way, the voters can see clearly who has understood and respects democracy and who doesn’t,” concluded the FPÖ Secretary General.

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