2023-04-16 13:15:05
FPÖ renewed demand for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution to monitor the climate terrorists and for the criminal code to include the offense of “obstruction of assistance”.
Vienna (OTS) – “Climate stickers slowed down operations in Graz” read a headline in the “Kronen Zeitung” yesterday. A surgeon from Graz came to the clinic far too late because of the climatic adhesive and several operations had to be postponed. “Administrative penalties are no longer enough. The observation of the climate terrorists by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the creation of the offense of ‘obstruction of assistance’ in the penal code are urgently needed. The ÖVP and the Greens must finally stop holding their hand over the climate terrorists, because in this way they endanger innocent citizens. If they are not ready, they must leave the government bench and make way for politicians who are ready. With us as the determining force, such crimes will certainly not go unpunished,” said the FPÖ traffic spokesman and Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA today.
Instead of the black-green cuddle course, the full severity of the law is finally needed. “The climate terrorists are relying on deliberate violations of the law to enforce their political agenda and are thus intentionally and intentionally endangering human lives. They proved that once more on Friday in Graz. An operation is not a child’s birthday. In addition to the high level of nervous stress for the patient, medication preparation is also required, and this is precisely timed. On Friday, the patients got off lightly once more, but if action is not finally taken here, a human life might really soon be at the expense of these climate stickers. Apparently, that doesn’t bother these terrorists. They’ll probably put up with it,” Hafenecker concludes.
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