FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Left echo chamber ORF” must not be supported through compulsory fees! | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2024-01-30 11:30:41

The Küniglberg’s sin register is endless – compliance with the objectivity criteria must finally be ensured

Vienna (OTS) – In his press conference today in advance of tomorrow’s meeting of the National Council, FPÖ General Secretary and media spokesman NAbg. Christian Hafenecker harshly criticizes Nehammer’s Chancellor’s speech and the ORF’s “sin register”: “Nehammer’s speech was a theft of life. Actually, tomorrow’s plenary session should be full of proposals in order to implement Nehammer’s demands and plans. The opposite is the case. There is not a single proposal in this direction. So it is once once more a matter of pure ÖVP show politics. The ÖVP chancellor is flailing around like a drowning man, the government is politically dead and apparently doesn’t want to work anymore.”

At the request of the FPÖ, the parliamentary session will begin tomorrow with a “Current Hour” on the topic of “Objectivity and information instead of ORF tax, ORF bigwig salaries and indoctrination”. The FPÖ media spokesman cited the long register of sins of the ORF, which he described as a “left-wing echo chamber”: “We recently saw around the “demos once morest the right” in Germany that the local public broadcaster interviewed left-wing politicians and these then presented as ‘normal citizens’. Unfortunately, such tendencies also exist in Austria, for example when an ‘expert’, Judith Goetz, on ORF is allowed to speak regarding the ‘demos once morest the right’. What was kept secret was that the lady was a former top candidate for the KPÖ in Carinthia. This information would have been important for viewers to see how ‘independent’ this expert really is.”

The ORF is at the forefront when it comes to isolating anti-democratic tendencies. In this context, Hafenecker referred to the ZiB2 appearance of the self-proclaimed “extremism expert” Julia Ebner, who described Herbert Kickl as a danger to democracy and said that there would be discussions in Germany regarding banning the politician Kickl. The invitation from Manfred Weber, the head of the European People’s Party, who was allowed to insult Kickl in the “ORF press hour”, also fits well into this picture. “Where is the added value for the audience in inviting a German politician to interfere in Austrian domestic politics? With this and many other invitations, I wonder whether the ORF doesn’t understand this problem or whether there is a certain intention behind it. Since I don’t think the ORF employees are stupid, it’s probably intentional,” said FPÖ media spokesman Hafenecker. The speech by a German climate activist, who seriously called for people to forego having their own children for climate protection reasons and instead bring children from Africa to Europe, fits well into the overall picture that the ORF is currently presenting.

There is also an imbalance in reporting on the farmers’ protests. These have been running for around a month. Millions of people would support the farmers in their protest. However, there are no isolated reports regarding this. The big topic recently was the “demos once morest the right”. A Green politician even boasted that, in her role as program councilor for NDR, she had ensured that the focus of Norddeutscher Rundfunk was directed more towards the “demos once morest the right”. Hafenecker also saw green influence in Austria: “Lothar Lockl, a green veteran, is chairman of the board of trustees – the result can also be seen in the program.”

This tendentious ORF program should not be financed through a compulsory tax. The Austrians are also annoyed by the fact that there are over fifty ORF employees who earn over 150,000 euros. The liberal media spokesman referred to the information page www.orf-steuer.help. The FPÖ is helping people to obtain a deferral of contributions and subsequently implement the installment payment model. “All of this is temporary help. But I can already promise today: With an FPÖ and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, we will abolish this compulsory fee regime!”

With the “Europe Hour” introduced by the ÖVP and also taking place tomorrow, the People’s Party is pursuing the sole goal of giving its new “European Grandpa” Lopatka a platform to become better known. Hafenecker: “I’ve known him long enough. He is blacker than black and will continue Karas’ course. Our top candidate Harald Vilimsky will also speak in parliament tomorrow and clearly show how the ÖVP is endangering the security of Austria and the continent at the European level. By this we mean the active entry into a military conflict through the Russia sanctions and the dangerous NATO rapprochement through the ‘Sky Shield’ project.”

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