2023-08-19 13:38:46
According to the “profil” survey, 76 percent for massive tightening of the law, FPÖ demands for this have been on the table since November 2022
Vienna (OTS) – According to a current survey by the opinion research institute Unique Research for “profil”, 76 percent of those questioned are in favor of massive tightening of the law for so-called “climate stickers”. FPÖ traffic spokesman and Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA once more called on the black-green federal government and ÖVP Interior Minister Karner to “finally end the cozy course with these ‘climate terrorists'”: “The citizens have no understanding that they are on their way to work , to the doctor or to any other destination, being harassed by these ‘climate terrorists’ with their insane blockade actions, in which they even endanger human life. As early as November 2022, we Liberals submitted motions for the creation of the criminal offense of ‘obstruction of assistance’ and for climate terrorism and extremism to be included in the report on the protection of the Constitution in the National Council, but the ÖVP and the Greens have not lifted a finger so far!”
There must be an immediate end to “the notorious looking the other way and playing down” these “climate terrorists”, who can only be dealt with with the full force of the law. “I wonder how long the ÖVP, which is still dependent on the eco-Marxist Greens to stay in power, will actually want to make politics for a tiny, extremist minority? Because it is definitely not normal for a formerly conservative party to hold its hand protectively over these ‘climate terrorists’ once morest the will of the population and to give them ‘freedom’,” said Hafenecker.
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Liberal Parliament Club
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press-parliament club@fpoe.at
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