FPÖ – Hafenecker: Broadcast of the rainbow parade confirms FPÖ with petition against ORF compulsory tax | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-10 13:21:44

“Once once more, the ORF itself confirms that it no longer fulfills its legal mandate and that the abolition of the ORF compulsory tax is more than justified.”

Vienna (OTS) “Financed by a compulsory tax, the ORF will be broadcasting live images from the Rainbow Parade next week instead of finally fulfilling the statutory educational mandate. I still remember the disturbing pictures from last year. And for this, the ÖVP and the Greens, together with the ORF, want to dig even deeper into the pockets of the Austrians in the future? Not with us! Once once more, the ORF itself confirms that it no longer fulfills its legal mandate and that the abolition of the ORF compulsory tax is more than justified,” said FPÖ media spokesman and Secretary General NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA today in a reaction to the ORF’s program announcement and referred once more to the FPÖ online petition “No to the ORF compulsory tax – yes to objectivity and thrift”, which under www.haushaltsabgabe.fail can be signed.

Instead of offering the “compulsory fee payer” a qualitative program, the ORF program would drive the madness to its climax with the transmission of the rainbow parade in addition to the “endless , repetitions in a continuous loop”. Hafenecker: “While the ORF bigwigs make use of lavish executive salaries, luxury pensions and outrageously expensive ‘golden handshakes’, the ORF has to save on broadcasting popular sports, for example, for reasons of economy, but on ORF 1 this madness is given a stage. It’s incredible.”

“The ORF compulsory tax is nothing more than a brazen rip-off of the already inflation-plagued citizens and therefore we will do everything to prevent it until the last possible day. And if the FPÖ becomes part of the federal government following the National Council elections, we will stop the ORF compulsory tax immediately at the latest. Weißmann and his knights of privilege at Küniglberg, for whom nothing is too expensive at the expense of the Austrians, as well as the Austrians ‘happy’ with the ORF compulsory fee from the federal government, can rely on that!” concluded Hafenecker.

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Liberal Parliament Club
01/ 40 110 – 7012
press-parliament club@fpoe.at

#FPÖ #Hafenecker #Broadcast #rainbow #parade #confirms #FPÖ #petition #ORF #compulsory #tax #Liberal #Parliament #Club



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