FPÖ – Fuchs: “Brunner’s unambitious budget will cost Austria’s taxpayers many billions of euros!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-10-21 13:33:35

“For Brunner it now seems to be the only substantive task: how can I prevent Herbert Kickl from becoming Chancellor?”

Vienna (OTS) “You can twist and turn it however you want, but the fact is: This black-green budget is destroying our prosperity, ruining Austria’s future and is a complete waste of tax money.” With these words, FPÖ budget spokesman NAbg commented. GDR. Hubert Fuchs spoke regarding ÖVP Finance Minister Brunner’s statements in today’s Ö1 “Journal as a guest”. “Brunner’s unambitious budget will cost Austria’s taxpayers and the next generations many billions of euros – responsibility, intergenerational fairness and sustainability look different,” Fuchs continued.

“If people want to work longer, then they should be able to do so voluntarily, but the necessary incentives in the social and tax system must finally be addressed by the ÖVP and the Greens. We will certainly not be raising the statutory retirement age to over 65. The ÖVP finance minister would also have to create conditions so that it becomes attractive for those pensioners who want to actively contribute their experience on a voluntary basis to take part in working life once more. These pensioners should be given the opportunity to earn a little extra income without having to suffer financial disadvantages,” said the FPÖ budget spokesman.

“The cold progression has not been completely abolished. This saves the employees absolutely nothing, the ÖVP finance minister just takes less away from them. When it comes to vacation and Christmas bonuses, he still enriches himself quite blatantly with the help of cold progression,” explained Fuchs.

“Even if the minister constantly denies it, he is and remains the biggest crisis beneficiary of this record inflation because he will receive three billion euros in additional revenue from VAT alone for 2024. At the same time, however, due to high inflation, private households’ financial assets have also lost significant real value, according to the latest calculations by the National Bank. Inflation in Austria has been above the five percent mark for more than a year and a half now, but the ÖVP and the Greens continue to leave Austrians out in the cold,” criticized Fuchs.

“Now it seems that the only substantive task for Brunner is how can I prevent FPÖ federal party leader Herbert Kickl from becoming Chancellor instead of setting up a proper budget that does not burden the next generations. The sooner new elections take place in Austria, the better it will be for our country and the taxpayers. After this unambitious black-green budget, it is high time for an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl,” emphasized Fuchs.

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