FPÖ: Download link of the press conference with FPÖ federal party chairman, club chairman Herbert Kickl and FPÖ building spokesman Philipp Schrangl | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-22 10:33:45

Vienna (OTS) – The recording of today’s press conference with FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg. Herbert Kickl and FPÖ building spokesman NAbg. Philipp Schrangl is available for download under the following link.


The video or individual excerpts may only be used for reporting on this press conference. A reference to the source is not required when using it.

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#FPÖ #Download #link #press #conference #FPÖ #federal #party #chairman #club #chairman #Herbert #Kickl #FPÖ #building #spokesman #Philipp #Schrangl #Liberal #Parliament #Club

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