FPÖ – Brückl: “SPÖ ideas for abolishing the Matura and school grades are left-wing nonsense!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-11-18 13:55:15

Students need an education that will benefit them in their lives, not left-wing experiments

Vienna (OTS) Today, FPÖ education spokesman NAbg criticized it as “nonsense from the SPÖ’s left-wing anti-achievement fund”. Hermann Brückl proposals to abolish the Matura and school grades, as debated in the form of a proposal at the “Vienna Conference” of the SPÖ Vienna. “This would only lead to a further deterioration in the level of education on the backs of the students. Our schools clearly don’t need any more left-wing experiments,” said Brückl, who also underlined the importance of school grades: “They create clarity and give the students information regarding their current performance level, which they can use as a guide. Giving grades therefore also promotes the children’s and students’ desire to achieve, which is important in everyday life.”

Rather, the maturity test must be subjected to an overall reform “in order to increase its value and quality, which suffered massively under the black-green coalition.” “Apart from the great damage that this federal government has caused with its completely wrong Corona measures, overall it is also regarding moving away from pure application education. The aim of school education and especially the Matura must be to give students as broad a general knowledge as possible, from which they will benefit later in their studies or in their professional life! “This federal government and ÖVP Education Minister Polaschek lack the will and courage to tackle the necessary reforms in the entire education system,” emphasized the liberal education spokesman.

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