FPÖ – Belakowitsch on the rise in inflation: “Black-green inflation drivers are destroying prosperity and social security!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2024-01-05 10:03:47

Real relief instead of burden and combating “government-induced” inflation through political change are the most effective means once morest extreme inflation

Vienna (OTS) – “If this black-green federal government can do one thing, it is ice-cold inflation-mongering, with which it destroys hard-earned prosperity and literally takes away the breath of air for Austrians. With the sanction madness that is fueling energy prices, the eco-communist climate hysteria including the CO2 ‘pointless tax’, the ORF ‘compulsory tax’ and other nonsense, Black-Green is increasingly turning the inflation screw and working stubbornly once morest the interests of its own population. Relief instead of burden, as we libertarians have long been calling for with our comprehensive package of measures once morest the avalanche of costs, is the order of the day!”, this is how FPÖ social spokeswoman NAbg reacted today. Dr. Dagmar Belakowitsch on the flash estimate published today by Statistics Austria, according to which inflation has risen to 5.6 percent. A reduction in the VAT on basic foodstuffs, energy and fuels as well as the mineral oil tax until it is completely suspended is therefore just as long overdue as the abolition of the CO2 tax without replacement.

The fact that the inflation rate has been above the euro area average for many months clearly proves that this inflation development is “homemade by this unfortunate federal government in concert with the red-pink pseudo-opposition”. “Even ÖVP-WKO President Mahrer now admits that the extreme energy prices are responsible for the above-average inflation in our homeland. But this is not, as he thinks, due to the eco-Marxist Greens, but above all to his ÖVP, which has elevated them and the climate-mad Minister Gewessler to the government bench and, in its loyalty to the EU and the elite, is taking the lead in implementing every burden once morest the citizens! “, Belakowitsch referred to statements by the President of the Chamber of Commerce in a recent interview with the daily newspaper “Die Presse”.

In order to effectively combat inflation, it must be tackled “at the root” in addition to relief measures: “And that root is this black-green federal government with its completely wrong policies that are directed once morest its own population. This year, citizens will have the opportunity to vote out these inflation drivers in the National Council election and to ensure a political change with an FPÖ-led federal government and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl! That would be the strongest means of combating inflation and a guarantee that Austrians would be given back an affordable life, prosperity and social security.”

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