FPÖ and NEOS want full Pilnacek report

2024-07-20 12:46:45

On Saturday, the FPÖ and NEOS called on Justice Minister Alma Zadić to publish as soon as possible the full report of the investigative committee into possible crimes during the tenure of late former department chief Christian Pilnacek political influence. Commission Chairman Martin Kreutner released his results on Monday, but the original 230-page report has not yet been made public. The Justice Department is still investigating the matter.

The committee was set up following the emergence of a recording in which Pilnáček, during an evening meeting with acquaintances in a bar, said that the country’s vice president’s demands to halt the investigation and call off house searches were unsuccessful. Kreutner said that in its reports from 2010 to 2023, the committee found, among other things, evidence of a “two-tiered justice system” in “noisy” cases in which certain public interests, and the prosecutor’s office must report particularly comprehensive circumstances to higher authorities.

With the full report still not available, FPÖ Secretary General Christian Hafenecker criticized it on Saturday. “Should there be so much blackmail going on here to cover up the ÖVP’s ‘deep state’ and keep the Greens’ coalition partners safe?” he asked on air. It can be assumed that a number of public interest figures appear in the report, whose names appear in the report is allowed by law. If the Greens really stand for transparency, the minister must submit his final report “today”. For Hafenek, it is also conceivable that coalition partner ÖVP might put pressure on the Greens “to achieve the most satisfactory final version possible”. He requested that, under no circumstances should anything be removed from the report other than redactions of the contents of confidential documents.

NEOS also needs higher speeds. Nikolaus Scherak, the club’s vice-president, said in a statement: “Obviously, fundamentally, the delay is the only thing that this government is still putting together – whether it’s the Kreutner report, the European Commission The Austrian member is still a member of the new security strategy. The Minister of Justice must respond immediately to the Commission’s recommendations with reforms; and above all, the independent Federal Prosecutor’s Office that the government has long promised is needed.

In response to the APA’s request, the Justice Department said Saturday that the committee’s report is currently “under review under the Department’s high pressure to ensure compliance with all applicable legal requirements.” Once the necessary legal review has been completed, a version suitable for publication will be provided and published.

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