FPÖ – Amesbauer: “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner cannot and does not want to stop illegal mass immigration despite the increased threat of terrorism!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-10-22 13:35:05

An immediate stop to asylum instead of sticking to the EU “coercive mechanism” is the order of the day

Vienna (OTS) “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner cannot and does not want to stop illegal mass immigration under the guise of asylum. He showed that once more today with his blind adherence to a ‘European solution’. The EU Asylum and Migration Pact provides for nothing other than a ‘coercive mechanism’ with which the member states are to be forced to accept illegal immigrants under the threat of ‘fine payments’ and which further undermines the sovereignty of our homeland. Only an immediate asylum stop in the sense of a “Fortress Austria” will effectively put the necessary stop to this “new migration of peoples” across our borders!”, commented FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer Statements by the ÖVP Interior Minister in the ORF “press hour”.

Last but not least, the sympathy demonstrations for Islamist terrorist attacks and the increased Islamist terrorist threat would make an immediate stop to asylum necessary: ​​“This madness is a direct result of decades of illegal mass immigration from Islamic countries, which was applauded by the black-green-red-pink unity party. Every Islamist who comes to our country under the guise of asylum represents a potential danger. Therefore, ÖVP Interior Minister Karner should finally stop his “open door” policy instead of thinking regarding new and even more surveillance measures!”

The question of whether Karner would be willing to work with the People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl in a federal government led by the FPÖ will not even arise. “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner represents a total failure in asylum and migration policy, a policy of open borders for illegal mass immigration and a gradual deterioration of the security situation at the expense of the Austrians. New elections as quickly as possible are therefore the order of the day, in which citizens can ensure that such failed ministerial actors like Karner no longer sit on the government bench and that a political change occurs – with a federal government led by the FPÖ and a liberal People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, who, in the interests of the population, ensure a “Fortress Austria” once morest the “new migration of peoples!” emphasized Amesbauer.

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