FPÖ – Amesbauer: “Karner has no solution to the problem of illegal migration in his security policy quiver” | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-06-17 09:45:10

“Austria needs the FPÖ’s 23-point package of measures, with which Austria will suddenly become uninteresting as an asylum location for illegal immigrants”

Vienna (OTS) “The only one who talks big, constantly blustering, staged in a media-effective way, often on ‘inspirational journeys to distant countries’, constantly making announcements, but in the end doing absolutely nothing, is the ÖVP Interior Minister, who has absolutely no attempt at a solution to the problem of illegal migration to Austria in his ‘security policy quiver’.” With these words, FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer Statements by Karner in a “Kurier” interview, in which he attested to the FPÖ only “talking big and doing nothing” on the issue of pushbacks.

“Because of this complete failure of the ÖVP Minister of the Interior, the illegal immigrants and the criminal gangs of people smugglers are dancing all over us. It can’t be the case that tens of thousands of people cross several safe third countries illegally, then cross Austria’s borders unhindered and enjoy an all-inclusive service with us in the form of a climate bonus,” criticized Amesbauer and added: “In view of the Incentives created by the ÖVP and the Greens – keyword climate bonus – are completely absurd when Karner demands in an interview ‘that Europe must create fewer incentives so that there are fewer economic reasons’ – these ÖVP policies can no longer take anyone seriously!”

“Now for Karner to take notes once more: 13,634 asylum applications were already made in Austria from January to the end of April 2023 and, by the way, these are almost exactly on the total applications made under the then FPÖ Minister of the Interior Herbert Kickl in 2018 – so the comparison makes it safe” , according to the FPÖ security spokesman. The ÖVP’s jubilant reports regarding the alleged ‘asylum brake’ are completely inappropriate: “The short-term comparison with the negative record year 2022 is only half the truth. If you look at the average of the last ten years, the numbers are an incredible 70 percent higher this year!”

“Therefore, these high asylum numbers prove once once more that the asylum hotspot ‘Austria’ must be made unattractive quickly. Austria therefore needs the liberal 23-point package of measures with which Austria as an asylum location for illegal immigrants will suddenly become uninteresting. For example, through departure centers, through a general freeze on asylum, through real border protection including structural measures at so-called pressure points, or through determined pushbacks that finally have to be legalized. These are efficient measures that lead to the urgently needed ‘Austrian Fortress’ and which ÖVP Minister of the Interior Karner should write down in his security policy book,” stressed Amesbauer.

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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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