FPÖ – Amesbauer: Has ÖVP Interior Minister Karner lost his priority list or does he not have one? | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-09-03 13:06:45

Vienna (OTS) “Nothing has changed in the Ministry of the Interior in recent years. Incorrect or no priorities and a lack of security awareness are the order of the day. Of course, the citizen is at the mercy of this negligence. Whether it’s an assassination attempt in Vienna’s city center that needs to be prevented, Syrian gangs marauding or a welcome service at our border, all of this is the result of the ÖVP’s weakened and left-leaning security policy,” reacted the liberal security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer on an APA interview with Minister Karner.

One has to ask oneself whether Karner has lost his priority list or whether he even has one. “One must also remind Karner that the unregistered and therefore illegal road blockades by the climate terrorists only exist because the ÖVP lets its green mini-partner drive them along. Furthermore, it is also nice to see that left-wing radicals and the Antifa are not mentioned in his extremist surveillance. That too is a tribute to the Green coalition partner,” said Amesbauer.

Karner once once more shows himself to be lacking in imagination and ideas, there are neither clear statements on illegal migration nor on the organization of internal security. “What this minister ‘can’ do is breathe hot air. It’s just not enough to constantly sugarcoat the continuing illegal mass immigration and shift one’s own responsibility to the EU. The FPÖ’s 23-point package of measures, on the other hand, has no alternative and might massively de-attract Austria as a destination country for illegal immigrants from all over the world in the short term and at the same time strengthen our sovereignty over Brussels,” the FPÖ security spokesman continued.

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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

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