Fourth dose: check the vaccination schedule for the week of March 21

Calendar is now available fourth dose vaccination delivered by the Ministry of Health (Minsal) for the week of March 21, 2022.

This time, the schedule includes first and second dose for people from three or more years that have been inoculated with Sinovac, AstraZeneca, or Pfizer; booster dose for vaccinated with complete scheme until November 21 and fourth dose for people immunocompromisedadults of 18 or older and health officials.

Vaccination will also be carried out pregnant women at any stage of gestation.

Those vaccinated until November 21 will be eligible for their booster dose with their complete scheme and who are six or more years old.

People from eighteen or older who have received their booster dose by September 26.

The immunocompromised people have received their booster dose until November 21 will be able to access their fourth booster dose. Those who attend the vaccination centers must present a prescription or certificate that proves your health condition.

They may opt for the fourth dose those officials from the health area -public and/or private- who have received their booster dose until November 21. Students who are exercising their clinical practice and attending patients directly are also included.

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