Four Transformative Shifts in Recruitment Powered by ASEP

“At the Ministry of the Interior, we work systematically to implement a better Public for everyone, listening to both the citizens and the agencies that serve them,” said the Minister of the Interior, Theodoris Livanios. The consultation of the bill will last until Monday, September 16, 2024 at 22:30.

ASEP: In more detail, the main interventions included in the new draft law are:

1 Points of locality

For the staffing of mountainous, island and continental areas, the bill provides for the doubling of locality points with the commitment to stay in this position for at least 15 years, from 10 years currently in force, to the bodies that will be appointed. Specifically, the locality points increase to 40 from 20 for permanent residents of:

A. Island municipalities regardless of population, including the municipalities of the Regional Unit of Islands of the Region of Attica, with the exception of the municipalities of the Region of Crete and the Regional Unit of Evia of the Region of Central Greece. In this case, the municipalities of Skyros and Gavdos are included, as well as the municipalities of the islands of Corfu, Samos, Lesvos and Kefalonia.

B. Small continental and small mountain municipalities, as well as the municipalities that fall under the concept of mountain municipalities in article 2B of v. 3852/2010 (A’ 87), as long as they have a population of up to twenty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants.

C. Municipalities of the Region of Western Macedonia and the Municipality of Megalopolis of the Regional Unit of Arcadia of the Region of Peloponnese. In addition, the points of locality increase to 20 from 10 for the permanent residents of the middle continental municipalities of the whole country and the municipalities of the Regional Units of Ioannina and Thesprotia of the Region of Epirus, Pella, Kilkis and Serres of the Region of Central Macedonia, Drama, Xanthi, Rhodope and Evros of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Excluded from this category are the municipalities of the Attica Region and the municipalities of the Thessaloniki Regional Unit of the Central Macedonia Region.

2 Seasonal requests

One of the innovations introduced by the bill concerns the applications for the recruitment of personnel with a fixed-term private law employment relationship, which will now be done electronically. Until today, candidates participating in IDOH competitions had to send their application and supporting documents in the manner desired by the respective institution. The bill, however, provides that in the immediate future the entire process of filling staff positions with a fixed-term Private Law employment relationship will be carried out through a central electronic platform for submitting applications and supporting documents, which is developed and managed by the Ministry of the Interior for this purpose. Candidates, ASEP, as well as the competent bodies will have access to the platform in the exercise of their powers.

3 From the successful candidates of the written competition, the positions of 2025

Finally, the ministry accepted the request of the winners of the written competition for their absorption in positions that will result from the 2025 recruitment planning. Specifically, article 17 provides that the approved positions of the annual recruitment planning for the years 2024 and 2025 are filled following the issuance of a new announcement by successful candidates of the pan-Hellenic written competition of the invitation/announcement 2C/2022, according to their score in the written examination and the criterion of locality, where provided. For those positions that cannot be filled by this procedure, a new written exam is planned for specific branches and specialties.

4 Disqualification Penalty

A penalty of three years’ exclusion for those who do not accept their appointment, but also for those who resign in the first year, the bill provides, fully confirming the “ET” report. This was one of ASEP’s proposals that was accepted by the leadership of the ministry, since, as the president of the Independent Authority, Thanos Papaioannou, had mentioned, more than 50% of successful candidates and appointees do not accept their position, which is a long delay the procedures for filling and replenishing positions. Henceforth, according to article 24 of Law 4765/2021 (A’ 6), the appointees of the categories P.E., T.E., D.E. and H.E., as well as Special Scientific Staff, who do not accept their appointment or accept and do not come to assume service or resign within twelve (12) months from the date of their recruitment or appointment, are not allowed to participate for three ( 3) years in procedures for filling positions of permanent staff and staff with an employment contract of Private Law of Indefinite Time. At the same time, the deadlines for declaration of acceptance or non-acceptance of the appointment, submission of the supporting documents for the appointment and the appointment itself are reduced, while it is provided that the deadline for checking the supporting documents does not prevent the taking up of the service.


The same bill provides for the establishment of an incentive and reward system for public servants. The productivity bonus will be entitled to the permanent employees and the employees with an employment relationship of Private Law of Indefinite Time (PIDAH), as well as the uniformed personnel of the public sector.

According to the draft law, from January 1, 2025 and every year, annual targets will be set for each ministry, NPDD or OTA. The employees who benefit will know from the beginning of the year what is the goal and the action plan that they have been assigned to carry out, but they will also be able to calculate what the amount of the reward will be for them.

From the budget allocated to each service unit, 40% will be distributed “horizontally” to all its employees. But those who are judged to have proven to be more effective and useful in achieving the final goal (based on the documentary material to be submitted by their superior managers) will receive an additional share of the remaining 60%. That is, they will get 50% or up to 300% more money than the rest.

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#upheavals #recruitment #ASEP
The provided JavaScript code is primarily concerned with setting up and managing various advertising services on a​ web page,⁢ particularly Google Ads (AdSense and DFP), OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for comments, and other advertising or tracking services. Below is‌ a breakdown of the key components ‌in the script:

  1. Google Ad Manager Setup:

⁢- The script initializes Google Ad Manager (GAM) using googletag.

– It ​defines ad slots with specific configurations like sizes and targeting parameters.

⁤ ⁤ – Various‌ targeting parameters are set to better cater ads to specific content such as⁤ pageType, category, ​and ‌ article_id.

– Calls​ to collapseEmptyDivs() and disableInitialLoad() help manage‌ ad visibility and loading behavior.

  1. Ad Display Logic:

⁢ – The displaySlot function is used to display ad ⁤units conditionally based on the platform (mobile/desktop) indicated by window.isMobile.

– There ‍are specific ad slots for different⁢ areas of⁤ the page like inline ads, ⁤sidebars, and prestitial ads.

  1. Google AdSense:

​- The script conditionally removes unnecessary AdSense ads ​based on whether the user is on ‍mobile or desktop.

⁣ – Functions that would asynchronously load AdSense scripts ⁢could ​be⁤ implemented (though some ‌parts are commented out).

  1. Other Advertising Services:

– ‍There are placeholders‍ for implementing additional advertising services ⁣like Phaistos Adman, Taboola,⁤ Project Agora,⁣ and Glomex,‌ although some of these⁣ implementations are⁣ left commented or incomplete.

  1. Push Notifications:

– The implementation of OneSignal is included for ⁣push notification services, initialized with a ⁤specific app ID.

  1. Comments Integration:

– Disqus is integrated ‌for comments with a ​configuration for specifying the page.url and page.identifier.

  1. Asynchronous Loading:

– There are multiple references to a⁣ function for asynchronously ​loading scripts, showing that the script is designed to improve page load performance by not blocking the primary ​content rendering.

  1. Future Implementations:

– Placeholder sections indicate that⁤ there may ‌be plans ‌to include ⁣additional tracking or advertising⁢ services in the future via asynchronous loading.

Notes for ⁣Developers:

  • Debugging: Ensure that you’re checking for errors in the console, especially if certain ad slots are failing to load.
  • Testing Across Devices: Make sure to thoroughly test on both mobile ⁣and desktop to⁣ verify proper ⁢ad loading and⁣ display.
  • Compliance: Be mindful of GDPR and other privacy regulations when implementing tracking and advertising scripts.

This breakdown gives you an overview of the ⁤components and ‌functionalities of the original script, which⁢ deals with structuring and managing various advertising ⁣integrations for ⁤a‍ web ⁤platform.



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