Four Police Officers detained for alleged extortion and fraud against a Chinese citizen in Huíla – Jornal OPaís

A group made up of four officers assigned to the Criminal Investigation Department (DIIP) of the Provincial Command of the National Police in Huíla was arrested, last weekend, by the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), for alleged involvement in the crime. of extortion and fraud in which a citizen of Chinese nationality was the victim

The officers presumably committed the crime when they participated in a mission that aimed to monitor the process of selling and purchasing currency in the informal market in which a Chinese citizen was involved, as a buyer, who intended to acquire US dollars, according to the newspaper OPAÍS.

The source, linked to the Criminal Investigation Service in the Province of Huíla, explained that the customer who was willing to pay 80 thousand kwanzas for each USD 100 bill, these were in the possession of a supposed general located somewhere in the city of Lubango. However, the deal, whose total value was not specified, would be done by a “field man” of this supposed general.

To acquire the aforementioned currency, the Chinese citizen had in his possession around 32 million kwanzas which would be used to purchase the currency. Contacted by the newspaper OPAÍS, the Provincial delegate of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) in Huíla, Commissioner Divaldo Martins, confirmed the arrest of the four DIIP officers assigned to the National Police Command in Huíla.

The official commissioner revealed, exclusively to this newspaper, that the Chinese citizen realized that the currency he was about to buy was fake, which shook the business and led to his arrest, as the owner of the foreign currency. “We can confirm that four officers assigned to the Criminal Illicit Investigation Department of the province of Huíla were arrested, against them the accusation of being involved in a fraud process related to the sale of currency that until now is considered false,” he stressed. .

He said that the Chinese citizen, after contact with a national citizen, went to the province of Huíla with the aim of acquiring dollars and upon realizing that these notes were fake, he tried to get rid of the business. However, citizens who intended to sell the dollars contacted National Police officers who, upon arriving at the scene, received contrary information, that is, that the Chinese citizen was the one selling counterfeit dollars.

BY: João Katombela, in Huíla

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