Four drinks to drink on an empty stomach that help you lose weight

One of the routines most recommended by nutritionists for people who want to lose weight is to consume fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies before breakfast.

Although it is something that should be planned together with a nutritionist to determine the routine to take, the recommendation of fasting juices is also key to start the day with energy.

Similarly, these types of recipes also have ingredients that are nutritious and healthy, recommended for weight loss such as fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and cereals.

The Better with Health portal offers four recipes for juices or smoothies that are key to consume in the morning and that help lose weight.

1. Green juice

This drink is perhaps one of the most recommended for its high content of fruits that help burn fat.

To prepare it you need ½ green apple, ½ cup of water (125 ml), 1 tablespoon of parsley (10 g), 1 handful of spinach (50 g), ½ cup of fresh cucumber (100 g) and 5 tablespoons of juice. lemon or orange (50 ml).

To prepare it, first wash all the ingredients, then peel the apple and cucumber. In the next step, all the ingredients are cut into small pieces, half a cup of water and the juice are put in the blender, and the cucumber, the apple, the spinach leaves, and the parsley are added.

2. Lemon and ginger juice

For this drink you need two ice cubes, ½ cup of water, ½ tablespoon of ginger, an apple (if possible red), two cups of grated carrot and five tablespoons of lemon juice.

To prepare it, first wash, peel and cut the apple, carrot and ginger into pieces. Then the mineral water and the rest of the ingredients are added to the blender and mixed.

3. Fruity Oatmeal Smoothie

This shake is key to consume on an empty stomach because it helps to satisfy your appetite, gain energy and promote weight loss.

You need one apple, two bananas, two cups of water, one teaspoon of cinnamon, one cup of fresh strawberries, two cups of oatmeal, and half a glass of almond milk.

To prepare it, you have to cook the oatmeal over low heat with two cups of water for 10 minutes and let it cool. Then it will be passed through a strainer to remove excess water.

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Then you put the oats in the blender with the strawberries and mix them together. Immediately afterwards, the apple is cut into pieces and added to the blender with the almond milk.

Finally, add the sliced ​​bananas and once served, sprinkle with cinnamon.

4. Avocado Green Smoothie

This is a drink that is not only consumed in the morning, but at least three shots a day are recommended.

To prepare it you need a banana, half an avocado, a cup of fresh strawberries and three cups of skim milk.

The first thing to do is cut the avocado in half and remove the pulp, then wash the strawberries and cut them in two. After that, the two ingredients must be blended and then add the milk and banana and beat again.

The portal also makes some recommendations for those who are going to consume the drinks, such as, for example, leaving them thick because when they are diluted with water, the required feeling of satiety will not remain.

In addition, sugar or sweeteners should not be added because the ideal is to take advantage of the sweet taste of the ingredients.

It is also recommended not to consume the shakes several times a day and also to complement the diet, avoiding the consumption of fats, processed foods, salts and sugars, so that the slimming effect remains.

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