Four corona deaths in Saxony: cold season starts with a high level of infection

Ah, the chilly embrace of Saxony…

November in Saxony is like a sad reunion with an ex who always shows up uninvited—cold, ill-timed, and bringing respiratory infections along with him! Yes, dear readers, the cold season has descended upon us, and it seems to have dragged some unfortunate souls with it. As of October 18, 2024, we’re counting not sheep, but four corona deaths in our beloved Saxony. So let’s grab a hot drink and dive into this frosty affair.

The Grim Statistics

In a rather harrowing opening to the season, we’ve got four deaths, all among the senior demographic. Between the ages of 82 and 92, it almost sounds like a twisted game of bingo gone wrong. Health Minister Petra Köpping (let’s hope she’s on your side in a winter flu standoff) has been raising the alarm. It’s enough to make your heart feel cold—perfectly appropriate, given the weather!

With respiratory diseases on the rise, the headline reads like a bad horror movie: "The Invasion of the Cold Viruses!" Can’t wait for the sequel! Apparently, rhinoviruses and Covid-19 are circling like vultures, and guess who’s on the menu? The older folks, bless their hearts.

The Vaccination Pitch

Now, here comes Minister Köpping, playing the savior with a flurry of vaccination pamphlets. “Get your flu shots, everyone!” she declares, as if it’s the latest iPhone release. And she’s right, because let’s face it – the flu isn’t just a “harmless cold,” it’s the kind of cold that invites all its friends over, including Covid-19, and suddenly it’s a party no one wants to be at!

Saxony’s vaccination rates have been doing the limbo recently—deep down low! We’re missing the EU’s goal of 75% coverage for seniors like a drunk dart player. Even infants are getting vaccinated, but mom and dad are surprisingly absent… The EU’s definition of “senior” seems to have come from their retired PR team; I mean, just what age qualifies? If you can qualify for a bus pass, surely you can qualify for a flu shot?

The Numbers Game

Now let’s get to the juicy bits – the numbers! In the 2023/2024 season, Sachsen has reported 21,580 flu illnesses and, rather tragically, 116 flu deaths. Compare that to last winter when we had over 30,000 cases and 127 fatalities. Yes, folks, the numbers are down but when you’re dealing with health, it’s like trying to find the bright side of a tax audit: "Less is more!"

A Cheeky Conclusion

So, here we are at the start of another winter in Saxony, with health officials going door-to-door like enthusiastic car salesmen. Remember, a flu shot may not save the world, but it sure may save you from a week on the couch, reciting your favorite Netflix series by heart!

In summary, as your winter storm continues to brew, remember that flu shots are not optional; they’re essential. Check on your elderly neighbors, encourage them to roll up their sleeves, and, above all, let’s do our best to keep the rhinoviruses at bay this season!

Until next time, stay warm, stay healthy, and keep those winter blues firmly outside the door!

As of: October 18, 2024 4:42 p.m

The cold season in Saxony begins with four corona deaths. Respiratory diseases are increasing, especially among seniors. Health Minister Köpping is now calling for flu vaccinations.

The annual viral cold season has begun with four deaths in Saxony. According to the State Investigation Agency (LUA), three men and one woman between the ages of 82 and 92 have died of corona disease since the beginning of October. The level of respiratory diseases is already at a comparatively high level for the time of year, it was said.

The coronavirus is dominating the cold viruses this fall. (symbol image)

Rhinoviruses and Covid-19 are currently in circulation. “Compared to the previous week, the number increased reported illnesses from Covid-19 with 822 cases by 27 percent,” according to the LUA. The age group of older adults and seniors is most affected.

Köpping recommends vaccination

Saxony’s Health Minister has these days advertised for vaccinations: “The flu is not a harmless cold,” warned Petra Köpping (SPD) and called for the possibility of “an effective and well-tolerated vaccination” to be used. The vaccination rates for influenza in the Free State have been falling for years. In 2023/2024 it only increased for infants from six months of age to toddlers of two years. According to the ministry, the EU’s vaccination coverage target of 75 percent for seniors continues to be missed, and the risk of hospitalizations and deaths increases with age.

In the 2023/2024 season, almost 21,580 influenza illnesses and 116 flu deaths were reported in Saxony. In the previous winter there were over 30,000 cases and 127 people who died with or from it.



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