Four Aspirants Qualify for Administrative Criteria in West Java Regional Election

Pilkada Candidate Pairs Meet Administrative Requirements”/>

The atmosphere at the KPU Warehouse in Bandung City, West Java, Thursday (12/9/2024). (ANTARA PHOTO/Raisan Al Farisi)

The West Java Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) stated that four prospective candidate pairs (paslon) in the 2024 West Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election have met the administrative requirements.

The Head of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Community Participation (Sosdiklih Parmas) of the West Java Provincial KPU, Hedi Ardia, said this after verifying the administration of the revised files of the four candidate pairs consisting of the Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan, Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham Akbar Habibie, Acep Adang Ruhiat-Gitalis Dwinatarina, and the Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja pair.

“In accordance with the stages, the West Java Provincial KPU has determined the results of the administrative verification of all candidate requirements. The four prospective candidate pairs have met the administrative requirements. Today we have submitted the results to the prospective candidate pair team and the West Java Provincial Bawaslu,” said Hedi in a statement in Bandung, Saturday (14/9/2024).

Next, the KPU will announce the results to the public so that the public can respond to them. Responses and input can be submitted through the page or offline by coming to the West Java Provincial KPU Office.

For the public who wish to provide input and responses, he said, they must fill in the identity of the person providing the input and response.

In addition, filling in the types of input and responses in the form of support for the candidate or candidate pair, input and responses from the community related to the candidate pair, status as a former convict and convict including the type of crime, as well as the results of research into the candidate’s administrative requirements or research into improvements to the candidate’s administrative requirements.

Also read: Ilham Habibe’s Electability Tops as Deputy Governor Candidate in West Java Regional Election

“The input and response providers must elaborate on it and upload the e-KTP document or relevant supporting evidence documents. This public input and response is only valid from 15 to 18 September.
2024,” he said.

Furthermore, the West Java Provincial KPU will follow up on public responses and input and use it as a basis for determining candidate pairs in the West Java Pilkada from 15 to 21 September 2024.

Because, on September 22, 2024 the local KPU will determine the candidate pairs or participants in the regional elections. “On September 23, the drawing and announcement of the candidate pair’s ballot numbers will be carried out,” he said. (Ant/P-3)

#KPUD #Candidates #West #Java #Regional #Election #Fulfill #Administrative #Requirements

– What are ⁢the ⁤next steps in the West Java ‌Governor and Deputy Governor‍ Election following ⁢the administrative verification of candidate ⁤pairs?

West⁢ Java KPUD: Four Pilkada ⁣Candidate Pairs Meet Administrative Requirements

The West Java Regional General Election ⁤Commission (KPUD) has announced⁤ that four prospective candidate pairs have met the ‌administrative requirements for the 2024 West Java Governor and Deputy Governor ⁢Election.‍ This milestone marks ‌a significant step ​forward⁣ in the election process, which is expected⁣ to unfold in ⁣the coming months.

Verification Process

The Head ​of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Community Participation (Sosdiklih Parmas) of ‌the West Java Provincial KPU,⁤ Hedi Ardia, revealed that the commission ⁢had thoroughly verified the administration of the revised files of the four candidate pairs. ⁤The pairs that have met the administrative requirements include​ Dedi ‍Mulyadi-Erwan ⁤Setiawan, Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham ⁤Akbar Habibie,‌ Acep⁣ Adang ​Ruhiat-Gitalis‍ Dwinatarina, and the ⁢Jeje ‌Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja pair.

Public ‌Input and ⁢Responses

Following the verification process, the KPU will​ announce the results to the‍ public, allowing citizens‍ to provide input ⁣and responses.​ This provides an ​opportunity for the community to ⁤engage in the democratic process and express their opinions on the candidate pairs. Those who⁤ wish to provide input and responses must fill in their identity and select the type ‌of input, which can include support for a candidate⁣ or pair, community⁣ feedback,⁢ or information about a candidate’s status ‍as a former convict.

Supporting Documents

To submit input and responses, individuals must upload relevant supporting documents, such as an e-KTP document or⁢ other ​evidence. This ensures that the input and⁣ responses are credible and valid.

Next‌ Steps

The KPU will carefully consider the public input and responses, which will inform the ‌commission’s decisions in the next ⁣stages of the ‍election process.⁢ As the election approaches, the KPU will continue to provide updates⁢ and information to the public, ensuring a transparent and inclusive process.


The West ⁣Java Provincial KPU has set a timeline ‍for the election process, with ⁤the⁤ following milestones:

Administrative verification​ of candidate requirements

Announcement of ‌results to the public

Public input and ⁤responses

Consideration of public‌ input and responses

* Further ⁢stages of the election process

Importance of⁢ Public Participation

The ⁢KPUD’s announcement ​highlights ⁤the significance of public participation in the election process. By engaging‍ with the commission and providing input and responses, ‌citizens can ensure that their voices are heard and their opinions are considered.


The‌ West Java KPUD’s announcement marks a crucial step forward in the 2024 West Java⁢ Governor⁣ and Deputy Governor‌ Election. As the election process unfolds, ‍it ⁢is essential for citizens to stay informed, ‌engage with the ⁤commission, and exercise their democratic rights. By doing so, the people of West Java ​can​ ensure ⁢a free, fair, and transparent election that reflects their will and aspirations.

Related Article: Ilham Habibe’s Electability Tops as Deputy Governor⁣ Candidate in West Java Regional ​Election

SEO‌ Keywords: West‌ Java KPUD,⁣ Pilkada, Governor and Deputy ⁢Governor Election, Administrative Requirements,‍ Public Input and Responses, Election Process, ‍Democratic Participation.

What are the names of the candidate pairs that have met the administrative requirements for the West Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election?

West Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election: Four Candidate Pairs Meet Administrative Requirements

The West Java Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) has announced that four prospective candidate pairs have met the administrative requirements for the 2024 West Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election. This milestone marks a significant step forward in the electoral process, paving the way for the next stages of the election.

The Four Candidate Pairs

The four candidate pairs that have fulfilled the administrative requirements are:

  1. Dedi Mulyadi-Erwan Setiawan
  2. Ahmad Syaikhu-Ilham Akbar Habibie
  3. Acep Adang Ruhiat-Gitalis Dwinatarina
  4. Jeje Wiradinata-Ronal Surapradja

Administrative Verification

According to Hedi Ardia, the Head of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Community Participation (Sosdiklih Parmas) of the West Java Provincial KPU, the administrative verification process involved a thorough review of the revised files submitted by the four candidate pairs.

Next Steps

The KPUD will now announce the results to the public, allowing citizens to respond and provide input. Responses and input can be submitted through the page or offline by visiting the West Java Provincial KPU Office.

Public Input and Response

Members of the public who wish to provide input and responses must fill in their identity and specify the type of input or response they wish to provide. This may include:

Support for a particular candidate or candidate pair

Input and responses from the community related to the candidate pair

Status as a former convict and the type of crime

Results of research into the candidate’s administrative requirements or research into improvements to the candidate’s administrative requirements

Eligibility Criteria

Input and response providers must also elaborate on their submission and upload relevant supporting evidence documents, including their e-KTP document.


The public input and response period will take place from September 15 to 18, 2024. Following this, the West Java Provincial KPU will review the input and responses and use them as a basis for determining the candidate pairs in the West Java Pilkada from September 15 to 21, 2024.

Candidate Pair Determination

On September 22, 2024, the local KPU will determine the candidate pairs or participants in the regional elections. This will be followed by the drawing and announcement of the candidate pair’s ballot numbers on September 23, 2024.

What’s Next?

The West Java Governor and Deputy Governor Election is set to take place in 2024, with the election commission following a strict timeline to ensure a free and fair election. As the electoral process unfolds, citizens are encouraged to remain informed and engaged, exercising their democratic rights to shape the future of West Java.

Related Reading

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* Reactivation with Course

Optimized keywords: KPUD, West Java, Governor and Deputy Governor Election, Administrative Requirements, Candidate Pairs.



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