Foundation of Resolve: Embodying the Unyielding Spirit of Unwavering Devotion

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis gave an interview to the journalist Nikos Evagelatos on the Mega show “Live News”.

On the day of the event marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ND, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said at the beginning of his interview:

“I am especially glad that we are not doing this interview at Megaros Maximos, but at the ND offices, thus marking this special anniversary. 50 years from the day the ND was founded, it remains the largest and most stable party in the country, and I think it is worth asking why while other parties went through greater fluctuations and saw their percentages fall, the only party that has endured, endured and strengthened is the SW”.

And Kyriakos Mitsotikis emphasized: “Perhaps the best answer has to do with the fact that we stayed true to the values ​​of our founder but at the same time we adapted to changing times.

If our founder Konstantinos Karamanlis taught us anything, it is that the ND is the faction of pragmatism and realism that has always been opposed to populism. Konstantinos Karamanlis himself taught responsibility and realism. He was at the same time a politician who did not hesitate to leave the ideological anchors of the past and talk about the future. In an interview, he had said something impressive: “I am neither right-wing nor centrist nor left-wing. I’m progressive.” This is adaptability of the new democracy, we are a large and spacious faction”.

“I think we have every reason today to celebrate this day we will have a nice little event in Rigillis. This day today belongs to the new democrats, to our friends, to our old and new competitors who joined us,” Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized.

For the absence of Karamanli and Samara from Rigillis
“I did my duty, I called them personally and from now on I will repeat that today is dedicated not to the leaders, not to the acting prime ministers, but to the simple new democrat and I think that a day of celebration and joy, a day of unity for the faction and so it will we remember her”.

Asked if everyone should be at this celebration, he said: “They will judge that, I am the last one to judge it. As I told you, I did my duty.

Greece closer to Europe
“From now on you will see the observance of our pre-election commitments, the observance of our announcements and reforms that will bring us closer to Europe.

The continuation of a policy that will emphasize development and improvement was wages of the continuation of a policy that will put into practice this concept of legitimacy everywhere that species we serve with great consistency. We are here to make the big changes, not to make small arrangements, this policy I feel I serve and this policy will serve new democracy in the next three years”.

Elections at the end of the four years
To the question whether the elections will be held at the end of the 4-year period, the prime minister replied: Of course.

“To return to our founder, labels that move in the ideological space of the past have no place in the ND. We are a center-right faction, a liberal progressive faction, our policies serve the policies of the many and for this reason we managed to unite in the ND our fellow citizens who had not voted for us who came and joined the new democracy in a way that allowed us to reach percentages which, for European parties, are unprecedented.

We are a center-right party in the new democracy, it is not mandatory that we all agree on everything, but that the many agree on many things.

I think that we have found this great synthesis, this great spaciousness, this common course in choices that are valuable for the country, in the ND.

On the trend “to go further to the right in Europe”
“Indeed, on our right there are three parties and not a negligible percentage. A reality that has existed for 10 years.

The New Democracy has its doors open to any citizen who can potentially choose it and you know, I wonder if these fellow citizens of ours who are in parties more patriotic or to the right of the new democracy if they credit us with the fact that today Greece is much stronger than it was 5 years ago that Greece has more armored armed forces that it protects its borders more effectively.

Yesterday I was in Evros for a very nice four-hour event with many members of the local community, mayors, representatives of agencies, and I must tell you that we formulated a plan to support Evros with developmental and national features.

Evros has a great specificity. It is the eastern border of Europe.

So we consider that we serve a policy of responsible patriotism and I believe that this policy will be credited to us by our fellow citizens who may vote for us but are to the right of the ND or to parties that are to the right of the ND”.

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“ND’s 50th Anniversary: A Celebration of Pragmatism, Realism, and‍ Adaptability”

In a recent interview on Mega’s “Live News,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis shared ​his reflections on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the New Democracy (ND) party. As the party celebrates‌ this milestone, Mitsotakis emphasized the importance of staying true‍ to its founding values while adapting to the⁣ changing times.

The Prime Minister highlighted the pragmatism and⁢ realism that⁤ have characterized the ND throughout its history, contrasting⁢ it with the populism that has led to the downfall of other parties. Mitsotakis credited the party’s⁢ founder, Konstantinos Karamanlis, with instilling these values and teaching the importance of responsibility and adaptability.

The celebration of this anniversary is not just about the leaders or politicians; it’s ​about the ordinary members ‌and supporters who have kept the‍ party strong and ‌stable. Mitsotakis encouraged all‍ to come together and celebrate the unity and joy‍ that define the ND.

When ‍asked⁣ about the absence ‌of certain ⁢party members, Mitsotakis diplomatically deflected the question, emphasizing ⁤that the ⁤day belongs to all new democrats, old and new. His commitment to unity and inclusiveness is clear, ‌and he leaves room for others to make⁢ their own decisions about participating in the ‌celebrations.

Looking to the future, Mitsotakis committed to upholding the party’s pre-election promises and‌ pursuing policies that bring Greece closer to Europe. He emphasized the importance of legitimacy‍ and development, promising big changes and not just small arrangements.

In a reassuring statement, Mitsotakis confirmed ⁣that ⁣elections will be held at the ⁢end of the⁣ four-year term, dispelling any concerns about his government’s commitment to democratic processes.

As the ND celebrates its 50th anniversary, Mitsotakis’s message‌ is clear: the ⁣party’s enduring strength lies in its adaptability, pragmatism, and commitment to the values of its founder. ​As the party moves forward, it’s‌ likely that‍ we’ll see more of the same pragmatic and forward-thinking approach that has ‌characterized the ⁤ND throughout its history.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Adaptability and ‌pragmatism are ⁣key to the ND’s enduring strength.
  2. The party’s commitment ⁤to unity and inclusiveness is unwavering.
  3. Greece will ⁢continue to move closer to Europe, with the ND ​leading the way.
  4. Elections will ⁢be held at ⁢the end of the four-year term.
  5. The ND is a center-right, liberal, and progressive party.



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