There is no “Forza Italia case” or controversy with Pier Silvio Berlusconi. Antonio Tajani reiterated this in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “Pier Silvio said exactly what I say, FI must go from the current almost 10% to 20% in the next elections. It is a realistic goal because the area to occupy, between Elly Schlein and Giorgia Meloni, is increasingly not represented, apart from us. And we are working in this direction. We all think the same way.”

What did you say at the lunch meeting on Friday?, Paola De Caro asks the foreign minister. “It was a normal meeting like others. But if you want to know, Berlusconi’s children know well the number of votes we got. Many. And they are very happy that their father’s work is being carried forward”, the answer. And to get more, how do you do it? “By expanding, as we are already doing, with political agreements such as with SVP, Noi moderateti, civic movements. By holding citizen congresses. By bringing ideas and proposals” and once more, “we created the Secretary’s Consultation chaired by Letizia Moratti, anyone who wants to participate is welcome. Many personalities are already engaged with us”.

#Forza #Italia #Tajani #relaunches #target #reveals #Berlusconis #Tempo
2024-07-22 02:49:54