Forum is an opportunity to offer young people a career in Medicine: IEST

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The Institute of Higher Studies of Tamaulipas (IEST-Anáhuac) recognized that the MILENIO forum was a very well organized event with a large audience, allied with the universities and with the medical careerso the convening power was very interesting and that, without a doubt, requires a second forum.

Carlos García Willis, specialist in Internal Medicine, medical director of the Angeles Hospital and director of the Health Sciences Division IEST-Anáhuachighlighted that this congress showed the benefits that the four universities of the southern zone allow.

“The truth is that the goal of bringing together all the city’s medical schools was achieved, of talking regarding the benefits of each career according to the point of view of the institutions and that the boys now have the opportunity to have that certainty. that there are four schools where they can choose, what to do, what to study.

He emphasized that the presentations were very motivating, with the example that those who have graduated from this career are leaving in Medicine.

“The presentations seemed good to me, because each school showed what it wanted to say; Dr. Alzaga gave a motivational talk that made the talk more dynamic, as well as the interventions of the doctors from the Academy of Medicine, and advice, which made the event stand out.”


In the case of the IEST, an average of 60 graduate, endorsed by the certifications granted by this house of studies.

“One of the things that the IEST is very clear regarding is that we have few students and not because we cannot have more; we have personalized attention, tutorials with each one of the students, because we practically know each one of them, because we receive a average of 60 per generation”.

He indicated that MILENIO forums also allowed them as an educational institution, to be an option for those who will leave high school, since from this meeting, the calls began to request information regarding the career.

“Several people began to contact other people because they were interested in the IEST and they asked to know how they did to belong to this race and it was thanks to the stand we had at the event, because there were interested high school students.”

Therefore, he reiterated his appreciation to MILENIO Tamaulipas, for the successful event, which commits them to lead a second forum and make it grow, endorsing IEST’s willingness to continue working together in this organization.


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