2023-09-25 04:11:01
Change begins with the individual. But what if the individual has the feeling that their contribution alone will not be enough to solve crises, or at least defuse them? However, no one should let this stop them from changing their behavior.
That was the tenor of the “Expedition for Humanism”, at which, at the end of last week, 31 women and men from a wide range of backgrounds and professions spent a day in the monastery at the invitation of the “Forum Humanismus Wilhering” thinking regarding questions and possible solutions on how to deal with the many crises of the present , which are all intertwined, might turn into an opportunity.
In the end, all participants agreed that the only way out of the many crises (climate, energy, resources, migration, inflation, inflation, faith) can be through working together. What is common must be placed before what separates.
“Stable foundation”
The journey of thought began in the vaulted cellar of Wilhering Abbey, which has formed the foundation of the house for 877 years. Abbot Reinhold Dessl asked the question regarding the sustainable foundations that our society would need in view of the many crises.
The clock is ticking on the issue of global warming and its consequences. For Marc Olefs, head of GeoSphere Austria’s climate research department, it’s regarding acting quickly “so that everything doesn’t get much worse.” Limiting global warming to below two degrees (currently 1.3 degrees) would drastically reduce the consequences (weather extremes such as heat or floods). However, the time window for action gets smaller with every year in which nothing or too little happens.
According to Judith Kohlenberger, cultural scientist and migration researcher at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the migration crisis, also a consequence of global warming, is regarding a change of perspective. What is needed is the humanization of people, i.e. that people think of themselves in the shoes of someone else.
Trust and belief
In principle, trust is more necessary than ever in order to embark on the path to change. “Who do we believe, what do we believe and why do we believe,” asked Vienna Auxiliary Bishop Karl Scharl to the group, who would personally always ask himself one question in debates: “Is it true or not true?”
From the many questions that were asked in Wilhering, the “Forum Humanismus Wilhering” created an “expedition report”. “The journey has only just begun,” said chairman Peter Weixelbaumer.
Reinhold Gruber
Local editor Linz
Reinhold Gruber
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