Fortune on the Rails: Preventing Catastrophe in Train Travel

The train driver Dimitris Koutsiaftis, who was on train 1210 that traveled the route Piraeus – Airport, described the critical moments that prevented the accident.

“I realized that he is sending him on us,” the train driver told SKAI about the mistake made by the SKA stationmaster with the two trains, who has been suspended.

Describing the situation, Dimitris Koutsiaftis said, among other things: “The colleague started the train making an announcement, as it should be and I shouted through his radio “1307 stop, I’ve left Athens some time ago”.

If the safety systems were working none of this would have happened. At that time I realized that something was wrong, I proceeded to full brake the train to reduce speed but at the same time so that the passengers do not realize that there is a danger. It was about a kilometer apart.”

At the end of the train that was full of people, because of the rush hour, he said: “If I hadn’t realized that there was a danger, we wouldn’t have had time to do anything. The SKA should have informed the colleague to wait.”

PEPE: “The collision was avoided thanks to the professionalism and commitment of the train drivers”

“The collision was averted as the driver of 1210 realized the error in the orders given to the two trains… it was avoided thanks to the professionalism and dedication of the drivers who realized what was about to happen,” the Panhellenic Union of Traction Personnel (PEPE) states in its announcement. At the same time, the Union of Engine Drivers notes that the remote control, ETCS and traffic lights are not working at the point where the incident took place.

PEPE’s announcement in detail:

“This morning, (13/9), trains 1210 and 1307 almost collided head-on, between Athens and Agios Anargyri as they were moving in a single line, in the opposite direction, following orders received from the stations on either side.

The collision was averted as the driver of 1210 realized the mistake in the orders given to the 2 trains when the driver of 1307 proceeded to announce his passage from Agioi Anargyroi station.

Today we could have a really, and not superficially, serious incident, which was avoided thanks to the professionalism and dedication of the train drivers who realized what was about to happen.

At this point we should inform you that the train driver of 1210, who realized the mistake and prevented the collision, is the president of our Union, who a few months ago was personally attacked by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, with a relevant announcement that specifically stated , on the occasion of a violation of a red signal: “the same person who, as a train driver, violates a signal endangering the safety of citizens, in his trade union capacity signs notices for the safety of passengers”.

We await the announcement of OSE, Hellenic train and especially the statement of the competent minister, recalling that at the point where the incident took place, remote control, ETCS and traffic lights are not working”.

The announcement of the OSE

The OSE made a statement on the event, pointing out that regarding an incident that occurred today, September 13, 2024, on the single line section between the Athens and Agioi Anargyro stations:

“At around 09:13, train 1210, bound for the Airport, received a departure signal from Athens station. While train 1210 was starting to move towards SS Agios Anargyros, it received an order from SKA to start heading towards SS Athens for train 1307 coming from Kiato.

The Athens Station Master and the train driver of 1210, hearing the departure order given by SKA to train 1307, the former contacted SKA via GSM-R, where an order was immediately given to cancel the movement order of train 1307 towards Athens SS, while at the same time, the driver of 1210 communicated via VHF with the driver of 1307 and informed him that he was already moving towards SS Agios Anargyros.

Almost at the same time, the train driver of train 1307 realized the situation and stopped the train, immediately, as soon as it had exited SS Agios Anargyro and at a distance of 500m. BEFORE entering the single line.


After informing the OSE administration about the incident, the following actions were taken:

An investigation was ordered to determine the circumstances of the incident.
The SKA stationmaster who gave the departure order of 1307 was put on holiday and referred to the Disciplinary.

The material of the GSM-R and VHF audio recordings was collected.

RAS and EODASAAM were informed about the incident.

It is emphasized once again that the faithful observance of the provisions of the General Traffic Regulation by all those involved in train traffic, which includes multiple safety valves, is the determining factor for the smooth running of rail traffic.

The OSE Management has taken initiatives to further strengthen the training of the staff, in order to prevent individual mistakes. The goal remains the continuous improvement of services, with the safety and trust of passengers as an absolute priority.”

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#Trains #tragedy #avoided



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