Fortune for the Week of Killing the Wolf/Aries has a lot of money in their account and Taurus is facing big changes in the workplace | Astrology and Numerology | Life

Fortune for the Week of Killing the Wolf/Aries has a lot of money in their account and Taurus is facing big changes in the workplace | Astrology and Numerology | Life

2024-03-30 16:00:00

Sha Po Lang 12 zodiac signs for a week from April 1st to April 7th, 2024fortune


overall fortune

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mercury is retrograde in the life palace, and you may meet old friends whom you haven’t seen for a long time. At this time, you can exchange contact information and restart the friendship. Some Aries will attend class reunions or best friends’ weddings during this period, and they may meet many old friends they have not seen for a long time.

In terms of money luck,JupiterConjunct Uranus in the money house, you will get discounts on expensive items because of your special status, or you will get favorite gifts. Some Aries are successful in developing side businesses and get a lot of funds into their accounts.

Things to note this week

In terms of emotional fortune, the emotional palace is affected by the energy of the lunar eclipse, and you often quarrel with your emotional partner, even to the point of a cold war, and you have plans to break up. Some Aries are suddenly blocked by the people they like, and they don’t know why.

Work luckOn the other hand, Pluto in the career house is affected by Mercury retrograde in the life house.workplacePoor communication with others, many things constantly being revised back and forth, or electronic equipment and software required for work malfunctioning, making everything difficult to do.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional fortune, Venus enters the spiritual palace, and Mercury retrogrades in the spiritual palace at the same time. The person you once had a crush on reappears around you in your life, but you or the other person already has a stable emotional partner. Although you are happy to see the other person every day, There can be no real development.

Things to note this week

In terms of work luck, the work palace is affected by the energy of the lunar eclipse. Currently, the workplace is facing significant personnel changes. You may change units or even be laid off. Some Taurus will change jobs at this time, but because Pluto in the career house is affected by retrograde Mercury, it is easy to work in an unfriendly workplace environment.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are gathered in the interpersonal relationship house, and you will be taken advantage of by those you trust. When you lose your bargaining chip, you will be cut off by the other party. Some Taurus will feel that their classmates and colleagues in the workplace are very unfriendly to you and feel socially intimidated.

In terms of health, the health palace is affected by the energy of the lunar eclipse. You should still be careful regarding eating bad food and suffering from gastroenteritis. Women should pay attention to gynecological problems. Do not avoid seeking medical treatment for some hidden diseases, so as not to delay the golden period of treatment. Work May be overworked, which can easily lead to sudden illness.


overall fortune

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Mercury retrogrades in the interpersonal relationship house, and Venus also enters the interpersonal relationship house. You will meet up with old friends at this time, or go to a class reunion. Some Geminis will meet their first lovers once more on some occasions. Both parties may have stable partners, and they can become rational good friends following the reunion.

Things to note this week

In terms of long-distance travel, Pluto in the house of long-distance travel is affected by Mercury retrograde in the house of interpersonal relationships. When traveling, working, expatriating, exchange students, studying abroad, or working vacations in foreign countries, poor communication with local people will appear especially Lonely or unhappy.

In terms of work luck, Neptune, Mars, and Saturn are all gathered in the house of career. You are currently very busy at work and bear heavy responsibilities. You often have to sacrifice your personal time or some important appointments to complete the task. Even if you work so hard, I still feel thankless in the workplace.

In terms of emotional fortune, the energy of the lunar eclipse still affects love and children’s palaces. You often have disputes with your love partner, and finally have to choose to let go and part ways with the other person. Geminis who have children or pets, if the children are in poor health, need to pay attention to their life safety.


overall fortune

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Jupiter and Uranus are in the interpersonal relationship house. If you encounter any difficulties, there will be noble people to help you, so that your destiny will turn around and you will get back from the bottom. Some Cancers will have many invitations to socialize and entertain, and will join very special societies with many like-minded friends.

Things to note this week

In terms of work luck, Mercury is retrograde in the house of career, and at the same time, the energy of the solar eclipse is also fermenting in the house of career. Facing personnel changes in the workplace, departments are abolished, and you may be transferred to a new unit. Some Cancers are in the transitional period of job change, and finding a suitable field is not smooth, so they must be patient and wait for notifications.

In terms of family fortune, the energy of the lunar eclipse continues to affect the home sector. The family is facing a major change. Some relatives leave your life, or you may move away from your family or current residence for work or career planning. Some Cancers must find a new place to live because their lease has expired.

In terms of money luck, Pluto is traveling in the financial house and is affected by Mercury retrograde in the career house. Although you will receive rewards from work, it will take a while to cash the check. Now you have run out of ammunition. , urgently need funds.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the career house. If you are successful in developing a side business, you will choose to turn it into your main job. Some Leos will switch to work in new fields, and these are highly forward-looking management positions.

In terms of emotional fortune, Pluto continues to travel in the emotional house, and your other half is willing to be possessed by you and feels unprecedented happiness. A single Leo only realizes he is in love when he becomes jealous because of someone’s close relationship with someone else.

Things to note this week

In terms of health, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are gathered in the house of illness and disaster. Be careful of disasters. The probability of accidental injury is higher, the mood will be more depressed, and some dissatisfaction cannot be vented. You need to pay attention to your mental health. Symptoms of certain chronic diseases appear, requiring adjustments to diet and work schedule.

In terms of academic fortune, Mercury is retrograde in the academic house. At the same time, the energy of the solar eclipse is approaching the academic house. It will be difficult to produce reports or homework. The midterm exam results are lower than expected. You may have the idea of ​​​​changing departments. Some Leos must be careful regarding hard work. The completed work, because it was not archived, was completely destroyed in an unexpected incident.


overall fortune

In terms of long-distance travel, if Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the house of long-distance travel, there will be opportunities for long-term travel to other places, student exchanges, expatriates, business trips, etc. Some Virgos are likely to immigrate. The idea is to study abroad, leave your hometown, and develop overseas.

Things to note this week

In terms of money luck, the money house is affected by the energy of the lunar eclipse, and Mercury is retrograde in the financial house. The economic situation is poor, the source of income is interrupted, and you feel anxious regarding money. Credit card accounts are particularly chaotic during this period, and there are some unexplained deductions. You need to be particularly cautious and conservative in financial management.

In terms of emotional fortune, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all gathered in the emotional sector, and the relationship with the person you like is ambiguous. The other person is always unwilling to give you a commitment or a status, often causing disputes, and gradually feeling cold-hearted and looking for a spare tire. , or looking for a sincere partner to develop a relationship.

In terms of work luck, Pluto in the work house is affected by retrograde Mercury, and the financial situation of the company or organization is problematic, making you feel that your current job is precarious. If you are a Virgo who takes a case by yourself or is engaged in remote work, you will feel uneasy if the remuneration promised by the other party has not been received.


overall fortune

In terms of money luck, Jupiter and Uranus are in the financial house. You will receive a large amount of assets through insurance, inheritance, or compensation, and you are currently going through many complicated procedures. Libras who have investment habits will keep their investment targets rising, so they can choose to sell out at the appropriate time and take profits.

In terms of emotional fortune, Mercury is retrograde in the emotional palace, and Venus also enters the emotional palace at this time. The energy of the solar eclipse is brewing in the emotional palace. Reunion with people you have dated or liked, old feelings rekindled, and you don’t want to let go of each other anymore. hand, there will be a consensus to enter the marriage relationship.

Things to note this week

In terms of work luck, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all gathered in the work house. You are very busy at work every day. You contribute and sell your life to the company or organization, but your superiors and bosses take it for granted and feel it is not worth it. Some Libras experience palace fights in the workplace every day, and feel panic and uneasiness regarding the unfriendly environment.

In terms of health, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all gathered in the health house. There is a tendency to be overworked at work, exhausted physically and mentally, and prone to psychological diseases. Beware of burns caused by knife fire, which may cause bleeding, and the chance of accidental injury is high. At the same time, you have been suffering from chronic diseases for a long time and need to rest for a while.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional fortune, Jupiter and Uranus are in the emotional palace, and you and your partner are preparing for marriage or planning to live together. Some Scorpios will enter into a relationship with the person they like, and both parties will also have a consensus on getting married in the future.

Things to note this week

In terms of work luck, Mercury is retrograde in the work house, and the energy of the solar eclipse is also fermenting in the work house. The workplace is currently very chaotic. Many people are laid off without warning, or are transferred to other units, and they also want to change careers. Or quit your job and take a break.

In terms of health, Mercury is retrograde in the health house, and Venus has also entered the health house. At the same time, the energy of the solar eclipse is also fermenting in the health house. Be careful of colds or viral infections, which may cause inflammation of the respiratory system and throat. At the same time, attention should be paid to cardiovascular problems and not to overexert yourself.

In terms of family fortune, Pluto in the home sector is affected by retrograde Mercury, resulting in poor communication with family members, leading to a long-term cold war, and even running away from home. Some Scorpios will want to buy real estate, but they can’t negotiate the price of the property they like.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the work house. Your crisis management ability is highly recognized and you will be relied upon by many people in the workplace. Some Sagittarius people currently choose jobs with high mobility, and can receive a lot of rewards if they complete tasks in a short time.

In terms of emotional fortune, Mercury is retrograde in the love house, Venus has also entered the love house, and the energy of the solar eclipse is also brewing in the love house. The person you have been with before will hope to get back together with you at this time and renew your relationship. Single Sagittarius will meet someone he once liked by chance on certain occasions, and the attachment in his heart will be rekindled.

Things to note this week

In terms of interpersonal relationships, the energy of the lunar eclipse continues to affect the interpersonal relationship house. At the same time, Pluto in the communication house is affected by retrograde Mercury. If you are verbally bullied by your peers, you will completely cut off from these people and do not want to force a smile in a toxic interpersonal relationship. .

In terms of transportation, Pluto in the transportation house is affected by retrograde Mercury, and transportation vehicles frequently break down and need to be repaired and repaired. Beware of driving disputes with others, as the chances of being issued a ticket are higher. Even if you are walking or taking public transportation, you must pay special attention to traffic safety.


overall fortune

In terms of emotional fortune, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the house of love and children. If you are confessed by an unexpected person, you may enter a relationship with the other person quickly. Capricorns with stable relationships may get pregnant unexpectedly, but they will be happy.

Things to note this week

In terms of home fortune, Mercury is retrograde in the home sector, and at the same time, the energy of the solar eclipse is gradually approaching the home sector. A certain large home appliance has expired and must be replaced. If you have poor communication with your loved ones, you may want to run away from home or move, or if a family member leaves your life, the more important people you treat at this time, the better you must manage your emotions.

In terms of transportation, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all gathered in the transportation sector. It is easy to get lost when going out of town, or the vehicle breaks down in an unfamiliar area. Be careful if you have a driving dispute with someone, you may easily be issued a ticket, even if you have a traffic accident. When walking or taking public transportation, you need to pay special attention to traffic safety.

In terms of work luck, the energy of the lunar eclipse continues to affect the career sector. There will be chaotic personnel changes in the workplace. You will also be adjusted to a unit that is not suitable for you, or you will be laid off by the company without warning. You will need to reorganize your resume and switch to a new field. develop.


overall fortune

In terms of family luck, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the home sector. Sick relatives will get better and their mood will be much more relaxed. Some Aquarius families have happy events to do, new members will join the family, or they will move to an area with a better environment, and their lives will take on a new look.

Things to note this week

In terms of travel luck, Mercury is retrograde in the travel sector. It is best not to travel far during this period. You may be stranded in other places due to some emergencies, or you may easily lose valuables. When traveling, you will encounter rip-off tour guides or liars, which will make the journey unpleasant.

In terms of money luck, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are all gathered in the money house. There will be too many unexpected expenses, forcing you to borrow money for consumption. Some Aquarius accounts have been frozen due to some factors and the funds cannot be used. Many programs need to be run to restart.

In terms of work luck, Mercury is retrograde in the interview house, and the energy of the solar eclipse is approaching at this time. Although you will be accepted quickly following interviewing for a new job, you will find that the internal management is not very decent when you enter the new job, and you will leave your job quickly. Aquarius, who has a stable job, encounters many difficulties when signing contracts with clients, poor communication, and documents constantly need to be revised back and forth.


overall fortune

In terms of work luck, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the house of interviews and examinations. When interviewing for a new job, I was accepted unexpectedly, and I was very surprised. If you take large-scale license and national examinations, you may get good results without any preparation, cross the threshold, and enter the public sector to work.

In terms of travel luck, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct in the tourism sector. Due to some factors, you will travel to other places, go on business trips, work, exchange students, or work for a period of vacation. You will be taken care of by local people in other places, and you can feel the hard work in life. To some small blessings.

Things to note this week

In terms of money luck, Mercury is retrograde in the money house, and the finance and money houses are affected by the solar and lunar eclipses. Many rewards and funds are delayed, or the financial situation is chaotic, and the current economic situation is tight. For Pisces who have investment habits, their financial sector is affected by the energy of the lunar eclipse, and they misjudge the situation, resulting in huge debts that are difficult to repay.

In terms of health, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are gathered in the life palace. Be careful of disasters such as blood and light. The probability of accidental injuries is high. The condition of muscles, bones, teeth, and skin is not good, and long-term correction is required. If you have poor sleep conditions and are often depressed, you need to pay attention to your mental health.

*This article is an authorized reporting column and may not be reproduced without permission.

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