Foro Penal registered complaints of arrests related to the electoral process

  • The complaints about irregularities or arrests are mostly from the states of Portuguesa and Anzoátegui

Alfredo Romero, director of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Foro Penal, offered information on some incidents during the presidential elections.

“The Criminal Forum has been responding to many complaints, some more specific about arrests. There have been 25 verified arrests since July 26,” Romero said. The newspaper from the Santo Tomas de Villanueva voting center in Las Mercedes.

He also explained that of those 25 people, 8 have been released and the whereabouts of 1 are still unknown.

Romero added that some arrests occurred at voting centers during the installation of polling stations. He added that no arrests have been reported in Greater Caracas, but there have been in Portuguesa and Anzoátegui.

“The reporting center is open, we are physically present in our offices to receive reports,” said the director of the NGO.

Irregularities reported at voting centers

In several states of Venezuela have been reported Incidents and irregularities in the process of the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28.

Voters at the Andrés Bello high school, located in the La Candelaria parish in Caracas, reported that at 6:33 a.m., polling station members and accredited witnesses were not allowed to enter the premises.

Photo: The Diary

Another of the most reported incidents in the regions is the requirement to “scan” the identity card at the door of the voting centers in order to exercise the right to vote. The irregularity, according to reports on social networks, has been reported in Carabobo, Falcón and Zulia.

In some regions there were also delays in setting up the tables. Although the opening is scheduled for 6:00 am, in several centres they opened at approximately 7:30 am.

The inconveniences are due to logistical problems or the absence of board members.

Some citizens have complained that the right to assisted voting is not being respected. At the Bustamante school in San Cristóbal, in the state of Táchira, voters warned that they were prevented from attending with a family member and instead people with disabilities are being forced to vote with the president of the table.

Approximately 20 meters from the voting center at the Margot Mever Rangel School in San Bernardino, Caracas, the presence of a “red spot” was reported. There is also a low turnout of voters at that school.

There are also reports of the installation of “red points” in Antímano, San Bernardino and La Yaguara, in Caracas. In Charallave, Miranda state, it was also documented that people used a space to promote voting for the ruling party candidate for reelection, Nicolás Maduro.

Obstacles to members of the table

Several users on social networks They reported irregularities during the entry of the members of the table from different voting centers.

More than 50 cases of political persecution reported during presidential elections
Photo: EFE/ Henry Chirinos

Citizen María Beatriz Sequera López said that the coordinator of the National Electoral Council (CNE) at the Simón Bolívar school in Araure, Portuguesa state, did not allow her to enter the voting center. The representative of the electoral body allegedly indicated that she had already set up the voting table with “its temporary members.”

“I have been here since 4:00 am and when I arrived, they (injured members) were already there,” wrote Sequera on his X account, along with a video in which he mentioned the alleged irregularity.

In Nueva Esparta state, users reported that at 9:20 am the doors of the Juana Méndez Penoth school electoral center had not been opened, because they were not allowing the table members to enter.

Likewise, from Los Teques, Miranda state, they reported that the members of the polling station accredited by the CNE were denied entry to the Roque Pinto Industrial Technical School.

Delsa Solórzano, the main national witness before the National Electoral Board for the PUD, reported that several witnesses from the polling stations of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) candidate, Edmundo González, have been prevented from entering their respective voting centers.

“This is an incident that occurred at a percentage of tables that has been decreasing as the minutes go by (…) even at this time there are some voting centers where witnesses are not allowed to enter,” said Solórzano from the opposition campaign headquarters on July 28.

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#Foro #Penal #registered #complaints #arrests #related #electoral #process
2024-07-29 00:21:17



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