Foro Penal counts 1,674 political prisoners in Venezuela, the highest number ever reported

  • Most of those arrested are adults, of which 1,468 are men | Photo: EFE

The non-governmental organization (NGO) Foro Penal confirmed a total of 1,674 political prisoners in Venezuela, the highest number reported in the country during the 21st century, according to a report they offered on Friday, August 23.

Of the total number of political prisoners, 1,458 are men and 216 are women. In addition, 1,567 are adults and 107 are minors.

As for their occupations, 1,519 of those arrested are civilians, while 155 are military personnel.

The NGO reported that between July 22 and August 22, 1,377 people were imprisoned for political reasons and 149 were sentenced. In addition, 8 people were released from prison, while 1,525 of those arrested have not yet been granted a precautionary measure.

He explained that the total number does not include those who were arrested and released or under arrest within a period of 48 hours.

Those arrested in the post-election protests

The Penal Forum has also monitored recent arrests of citizens, journalists, activists and political leaders in the context of the post-election protests of July 29.

In this regard, the organization reported that 1,503 arrests had been confirmed as of August 18. Of this number, 129 were adolescents; 200 were women; 18 were people with disabilities, chronic illnesses or special needs; and 14 were indigenous.

The lawyers of the Penal Forum have repeatedly denounced that these detainees have been denied private defense, as well as visits from their families.

While other human rights organizations have described “inhuman” conditions in which detainees are held in the context of post-election demonstrations.

Photo: EFE

According to the Venezuelan Prison Observatory (OVP), none of the detainees have undergone a medical examination, despite the fact that some suffer from a pathology or disability.

They also said that these people do not have drinking water and that their diet is low in fruits, proteins and vegetables.

As for those detained in police stations, the OVP explained that they are forced to relieve themselves in plastic bags or containers, as well as sleeping standing up, depending on the number of prisoners held in the same cell.

Detainees are accused of terrorism

On August 5, Gonzalo Himiob, vice president of the Penal Forum, denounced that the “vast majority” of those arrested in Venezuela in protests against the official result of the July 28 presidential elections are accused of “terrorism.”


This measure has also been attributed to adolescents, which is why the Community Learning Center (Cecodap) asked the authorities not to criminalize minors, including in cases where they were caught red-handed burning public and private property.

“This crime is applied after the reform of the Organic Law for the Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents (Lopnna) in 2015, where this crime was included as susceptible to deprivation of liberty (…) But the warning we make is not to criminalize the adolescent,” said Carlos Trapani, director of Cecodap, in an interview for Firefly Effect

on August 21st.

#Foro #Penal #counts #political #prisoners #Venezuela #highest #number #reported
2024-08-23 22:02:19



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