Former US State Department Official Exposes US Neglect of Israeli War Crimes and Arms Transfers

2023-11-16 12:37:00

WASHINGTON: A former US State Department official has blamed domestic policy concerns for US neglect of Israel’s war crimes and suppression of opposition to providing arms to Israel.

Josh Paul, director of public affairs at the U.S. Political and Military Bureau for 11 years, said many officials were upset by the Israeli military’s actions but turned a blind eye to the rules surrounding arms transfers.

I am of the opinion that Israel is committing a war crime in Gaza. This is not just my opinion. I have heard that from many government officials, including a high-ranking elected official. But they are not ready to say it in public,’ said Josh Paul.

Josh Paul’s resignation in protest of US support for Israel caused a stir in America.

“Many politicians remain silent, especially in Congress, for fear that criticizing Israel will cause controversy.” They are reluctant to say publicly what they believe privately,’ Josh Paul said.

Laws governing arms transfers are weak, giving lawmakers room to act as they please. They also determine whether Israeli forces committed human rights violations in Gaza.

He also accused the US of continuing to supply weapons despite the certainty that many civilians would be killed.

Content Highlight: US ignores Israeli ‘war crimes’ for domestic policy concerns, says former official

#Senior #officials #object #Israeli #actions #Fearing #controversy #remain #silent



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