Former US Congresswoman: Biden’s policies could lead to a nuclear holocaust

The policies of US President Joe Biden and his administration could lead the country to a nuclear holocaust. This was stated by ex-Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, she is quoted by RIA Novosti.

“Decisions made by Biden and congressional leaders are leading us to a nuclear holocaust. They may have bunkers where they can hide. But we Americans don’t have a place to go, where we can be saved. We will have to face the consequences,” she said.

Gabbard also criticized the current leadership of the Democratic Party, describing its representatives as “fanatical ideologues who hate freedom.” According to the ex-congresswoman, the activities of the Democrats are contrary to American values.

U.S. President Joe Biden at a Democratic Party event on October 6

For the first time since the Caribbean crisis, the world faces a direct nuclear threat – Biden

The President of the United States announced this at an event of the Democratic Party

“> declaredthat the world is facing the threat of nuclear weapons for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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