Former Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Arrested for Party Fund Misuse

2023-06-11 20:10:22

London ∙ Scottish police have arrested Nicola Sturgeon, former first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), in a case related to party funds. This case is related to the fact that the SNP, which advocates independence from Britain, spent 6 lakh pounds collected in 2017 for this purpose.

In the same case, Nicola’s husband and party treasurer in 2017, Peter Murrel, was arrested in April. After Murali’s arrest, their home in Glasgow was sealed and searched. Current Treasurer Colin Beattie has also been arrested.

Nicola, a popular leader in Scotland and first minister since 2014, resigned in February. Raji stated that he was tired of the divisive thoughts and wanted to give more importance to his personal life.

English Summary: Nicola Sturgeon, ex-first minister of Scotland, arrested

#Nicola #Sturgeon #arrested #party #fund #irregularities

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