Former Rector of the Application Lyceum sues the Municipality of Santiago and asks to be reinstated | National

After the Municipality of Santiago requested his resignation, the former rector of the Liceo de Aplicación sued the municipality and asked that he be reinstated.

The former rector of the Liceo de Aplicación, Humberto Garrido, sued the Municipality of Santiago and asked that he be reinstated following he was dismissed in October 2022.

In detail, the capital’s municipality asked him to resign, assuring that his management had been evaluated below the expected minimum, following 3 years in command of the institution, as stated The Mercury.

However, Garrido appeals that his departure was due to political reasons for having applied the Safe Classroom law, which has historically been criticized by the mayoress of Santiago, Irací Hassler.

The former director said: “I think they removed me for political reasons, because when we were elected we found very violent schools, and when the Safe Classroom law appeared —December 2019—, the current mayor, who at that time was a councilor, was a total detractor of that law.”

Beyond Garrido’s thinking, the situation is framed within an error, since according to the statutes, the only position that can request the resignation of a rector is the “director or head of education of the municipality”, who during that date It was Rodrigo Roco, the head of the Control and Management unit of the Municipal Education Directorate; that is, the above does not apply to Roco.

Christopher Gotschlich, Garrido’s lawyer, assured that “according to the teaching statute, the person who can review the performance agreement and request his resignation is the head of education, or the director of education, and that position is not assigned (…). Technically in Santiago no one might do it now”.

In parallel, the municipality defends itself that the request for early resignation occurred following the evaluation of its performance agreement, whose agreement was signed between the parties in 2018.

as stated The Mercurythe evaluation was 71.2%, which in the evaluation system is considered as “failed”.

For now, both parties are willing to discuss the situation in response to Garrido’s demand.

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