Former radio producer Cees van Zijtveld (81) has passed away

ANPCees van Zijtveld in 1982 during his time as AVRO radio presenter

NOS Nieuws•gisteren, 15:16

Radio producer Cees van Zijtveld has passed away, his family reports to ANP. He died last Friday at the age of 81 in Naarden.

Van Zijtveld started his career as a radio producer in 1961 at Veronica, which at the time still broadcast programs from a ship. He made programs here such as Appointment with Cees in Good morningHere the programme maker became known as ‘Flip van de flipside’ because he liked to play the B-side of singles.

In 1966 he moved to AVRO, where he worked for over forty years as one of the voices of radio programs Work vitaminsHe was also heard as a voice-over for AVRO’s Toppop and other television programs of the AVRO. He also worked as a voice actor. In 2006 Van Zijtveld retired.

The relatives have announced that the funeral will take place in private.



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