Former President Trump faces 37 criminal charges for possessing top-secret documents: the implications for national and international security

2023-06-10 21:30:00

This is a first in the history of the United States. A former president faces 37 criminal charges for having unlawfully possessed hundreds of secret documents, some with the highest security classifications, at his residence and at his golf course in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

In connection with this theft, Trump is accused of having made false statements, of having attempted to conceal these documents in order to evade them from the FBI, and of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

The indictment claims that it is information on the nuclear capabilities of the United States and of foreign countries, friends and adversaries, of American military plans to meet an attack or to carry out attacks once morest enemy countries and details of current military operations.

Documents were stamped HCS, Humint Control Systems, which means that the information contained was collected by agents working for Americans in enemy countries whose lives would be in danger if their identity were revealed.

What is particularly troubling for us is that among these top-secret documents we find some linked to the “Five Eyes” network, the electronic espionage alliance which brings together the Anglo-Saxon countries of the planet: United, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Some of our best kept secrets may therefore have been compromised along with those of other members of the network.

Secret documents for what?

On Friday, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith made a rare public statement but said nothing regarding why Trump kept such a large collection of highly classified documents and then plotted to avoid turning them over to the government. American.

Why had they been hoarding these secret documents in the White House for four years and why did he take them with him? Naive people say that he simply hoarded them to reinforce his megalomaniacal narcissism. It is misunderstanding this odious, despicable and extremely dangerous character.

He wanted to be able to use them to get revenge on his detractors and/or make a lot of money by selling them off to the highest bidders.

Mar-a-Lago: welcome to the spies

There is no doubt that Mar-a-Lago attracted spies and was very easy to gain access to. The intelligence services of China, Russia, Iran, Cuba have no doubt tried to infiltrate it.

Some of the biggest and most dangerous secrets in the United States — and some in Canada — lay in cardboard boxes stacked in a bathroom or on the stage of a ballroom where cocktail parties and dinner parties were held. regularly.

A Chinese woman was arrested there with four smartphones, a laptop and a USB key containing malware in her possession. Found guilty of making false statements to a federal officer, she was deported to China in 2021.

A Russian-speaking woman was able to mingle with Trump’s family at Mar-a-Lago, posing as an heir to the Rothschild banking dynasty. She was even photographed with him on a golf green.

As the indictment recalls, Trump, during the 2016 presidential campaign, said he was determined to protect the secrets of the United States: “In my administration, I will enforce all laws concerning the protection of information classified. No one will be above the law.” And he has the indecent presumptuousness to make the same commitment for 2024.

#Trump #Canadas #secrets #MaraLago



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