Former President Ricardo Lagos Escobar announced this Tuesday his decision to retire from the public sphere.

Lagos, who served as president between March 11, 2000 and March 11, 2006, stressed that, at 85 years old, the time has come to take a step back from his active participation in the country’s political life.

The former president expressed his gratitude for the experiences accumulated over the years and noted that, although some physical abilities have decreased, he has gained wisdom and perspective. In his own words, Lagos claimed to have learned to “value the wisdom and perspective” that the years have given him.

Despite his withdrawal from the public sphere, Lagos announced that he will continue to work at the Democracy and Development Foundation, committing to continue with the mission that he has sustained throughout his career. “It is a change in my life, it is a new chapter that is opening, it is a period of transformation in how I understand the way to serve and contribute to a better Chile that we all build,” said the former president.

Lagos also made it clear that he does not plan to remain silent if he considers that he can contribute to the discussion and improvement of the country. He assured that, despite his retirement from the public sphere, he will remain committed to the cause of a more just and prosperous Chile.