Former President Moon Jae-in Opposes Scrapping Inter-Korean Military Agreement: Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration

2023-09-19 10:01:00


Former President Moon Jae-in visited Seoul for the first time since leaving office to attend the ceremony commemorating the 5th anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration.

Former President Moon expressed his opposition to the idea of ​​scrapping the inter-Korean military agreement pursuant to the September 19 Joint Declaration, saying that it is serving as the final safety pin to prevent military conflict between South and North Korea.

This is reporter Choi Hyeong-won.


In September 2018, then-President Moon Jae-in and North Korean State Affairs Commission Chairman Kim Jong-un held their third summit in Pyongyang.

At the time, the two leaders agreed to adopt an inter-Korean military agreement, saying they would eliminate all risks of war on the Korean Peninsula.

[김정은/북한 국무위원장 : “비극적인 대결과 적대의 역사를 끝장내기 위한 군사분야 합의서를 채택하였으며…”]

[문재인/전 대통령 : “전쟁 없는 한반도가 시작되었습니다.”]

Today, marking the 5th anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration, an event was held in Seoul to reflect on the achievements made at the time and seek ways to develop inter-Korean relations.

Former President Moon Jae-in, who was a key figure in the joint declaration, also attended the event.

This is my first official schedule in Seoul since leaving office.

Former President Moon emphasized that now that inter-Korean relations have deteriorated, we have no choice but to respond firmly to North Korea’s provocations but ultimately resolve the crisis through dialogue.

In particular, he stated that the 9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement was the “last safety pin” to prevent military conflict between North and South Korea, and clearly opposed the government and ruling party’s call for its abolition.

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He also indirectly criticized the current government, saying that under the progressive governments led by Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, and Moon Jae-in, security and economic performance were significantly better.

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On the other hand, the ruling party repeatedly insisted on scrapping the September 19 military agreement, which the Moon Jae-in administration hastily promoted, saying it had become meaningless and asking why on earth we should keep an agreement that only shackles our military.

This is Choi Hyeong-won of KBS News.

Camera reporter: Park Sang-wook/Video editor: Jo Wan-ki

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