Former Palestinian terrorist in professorship at La Sapienza. FdI arises: “Shame” –

Francesca Musacchio

Leila Khaled’s return to Italian universities. Or perhaps she never went away, given that the former Palestinian terrorist continues to be the heroine of far-left, anti-Semitic, pro-Palestine and pro-Hamas university movements. Today, in room 7 of the Physics faculty of La Sapienza University, Leila Khaled will be a guest of the «Cambiare Rotta» collective, a self-styled communist youth organization, to discuss «Palestine: the roots of the genocide, the horizons of the struggle». And what better interlocutor than a former terrorist known in the news for being the first woman who, between 1969 and 1970, took part in the hijacking of two planes?

Member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), she has become a symbol of the struggle for Palestinian liberation, especially thanks to the image of her as a young man with an AK-47. And today he continues to be a controversial and influential figure in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. So influential that he is almost a recurring guest within Italian universities and in events organized by collectives linked to the antagonistic world. Recently, in November 2023, just over a month after the Hamas attack against Israel, he participated in an initiative organized by the collectives of the Oriental University of Naples and then in Turin, at the occupation of Palazzo Nuovo.

In 2017, Italy denied entry into our country to the former terrorist who was supposed to participate in an event on “Women in the Palestinian struggle”, organized by a far-left group. Rejected at the Fiumicino border, she was forced to return to Jordan where she lives with her husband.
Always presented as an icon of the anti-Israeli movement, the hijackings in which he participated contributed to the collapse of Jordan itself, opening the doors to Black September, the terrorist group known for having organized the Munich massacre of 1972 where, at inside the Olympic village, 11 Israeli athletes were murdered.

Despite this, Khaled warmed the hearts of our pro-Palestine people who in Italian universities, for over a year, have been praising the exploits of Hamas and accusing Israel of carrying out a genocide in Gaza. «The academic year begins again, so let’s resume the debate on the Palestinian question with professors, experts and militants who have made the history of the Palestinian resistance such as Leila Khaled», we read in the post of «Cambiare Rotta» which publishes the poster of the event. «At Sapienza, bad teachers take the chair. Pro-Palestinian students have invited Leila Khaled, a historic Palestinian activist who was the protagonist of two plane hijackings in 1969 and 1970, to an event scheduled for tomorrow (ed.). Khaled is now a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, included in the list of terrorist organizations by the EU and the United States. A shameful choice that should be stigmatized by all political forces”, declared Fratelli d’Italia senator Ester Mieli. And while the president of the Brothers of Italy in the Senate, Lucio Malan, asks «the rector of the university not to authorize these stagings (because this is what it is about) in a very delicate period for the Middle East whose situation cannot be really feels the need to fuel debates with subversive hints”, the left is currently silent on the former terrorist’s participation.
But Leila Khaled is not only liked by pro-Palestine people in our country. In Johannesburg, South Africa, which accused Israel of “genocidal conduct” before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, they are even thinking of naming a street in the financial district of Sandton after the former terrorist.

#Palestinian #terrorist #professorship #Sapienza #FdI #arises #Shame #Tempo
2024-10-03 00:38:21



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