Former Olympian Dimitri Payet, new ambassador for early detection of lung cancer

2024-05-07 05:49:09

There are victories that are beautiful. The one that Dimitri Payet promises to win is all the more so, especially when it comes to cancer, and lung cancer in particular. If he usually ignores his associative commitments, this specialist in “kick“this time intends to give it for a good cause. But, there is no question for him of confining himself to a role of nominee. By becoming the main ambassador of the brand new association “Le souffle d’après”, the Marseillais wants to hit the anthill of smokers or former smokers to challenge them on the opportunity for early detection. His message to motivate the teams goes straight to the point: “Together we can win the fight once morest lung cancer.

Lung cancer resonated with him“, assures his best friend from Marseille Jérôme who often serves as a relay when Dimitri Payet is in Brazil. “He is not afraid to face delicate situations. He is even very invested. Each time he comes to Marseille, he participates in all internal meetings. He analyzes the action and does not hesitate to intervene himself. He is susceptible to this disease.

“He is not afraid to face delicate situations. He is even very invested.”

President of the association, Marc Demauret welcomes this “recruit”. In his company, he will launch a vast communications campaign in the region in mid-May. “From Nice to Marseille, many health establishments are working alongside us to organize conferences open to the public. In this approach, we are also supported by the League once morest Cancer and the Order of Physicians. The objective is twofold: firstly to raise awareness of the association dedicated to people who have localized lung cancer, and secondly, to popularize the discourse on early detection which helps save lives.

And this former smoker said: “I was fortunate to have a CT scan which revealed a localized tumor. I had a surgery. A month later, I went back to work, I started running once more and I participated, a few months later, in Marseille-Cassis and even in the New York marathon. There is life following and it has a special flavor.

Sharing these life accidents with new patients is the ambition of the association created a year ago in Marseille with a national vocation. “Le souffle d’après is a one-stop shop dedicated to the pathology of lung cancer at a localized stage. Like Doctolib, we use digitalization to put patients in contact. We make an appointment on the site with our members who are only expert patients. And who better than them to talk regarding it?

The “À Pils Lungs” awareness campaign will be launched on May 14 during a first conference organized in Marseille at the Palais du Pharo at 6 p.m. More information on
#Olympian #Dimitri #Payet #ambassador #early #detection #lung #cancer



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