Former Navy SEAL Arrested in Frisco: The Man Who Claims to Have Killed Osama bin Laden

2023-08-27 02:47:05

The former Navy Seal, who claims he was the one who pulled the trigger in the operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011, was arrested this week in Frisco, Texas, reports the Dallas Morning News.

• Read also: The one who says he killed bin Laden threatened with death by jihadists

• Read also: The Navy Seal who killed bin Laden comes out of anonymity

Robert J. O’Neill, now 47, was charged with assault causing bodily harm following his arrest.

The latter had to pay a bond of 3500 US dollars in order to be released.

The ex-soldier had been talked about in 2017 when he claimed, in his memoirs, to be the one who had killed the man who orchestrated the attacks of September 11, 2001.


The US government has refused to confirm or deny this story.

Robert O’Neill’s arrest in Texas is not the first incident in which he has been involved.

In 2016, the ex-soldier was arrested for drunk driving in Montana, but the charges were eventually dropped.

The veteran was banned by Delta Airlines in 2020 because he refused to wear the mask on a plane.

#Exsoldier #allegedly #killed #bin #Laden #arrested #Texas

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