Former Manchester United Star Bebitov: Zinzu’s Overestimation of Importance in the Football Association Exposed

2023-09-29 22:00:54

Former Manchester United star Bebitov recently accepted a media interview. He said that Zinzu overestimated his importance in the Football Association when he fell out with Tanhag.

He said: “I hope this is not the case with Xinzu, but sometimes players who take a long time to resolve conflicts with the club are overestimating their value. When C. Long is like this, the situation is different, because C. Long won everything. I was on the team when Ronny and Manchester United had a conflict, but in the end they resolved the conflict.”

“I think Xinzu overestimated his importance, he didn’t win a lot of trophies with Manchester United and that’s not the case with the guys before him. United could easily have made the decision to purge Xinzu because of that, even though Xinzu is very talented – we He saw it at Dortmund but he didn’t show it at Manchester United.”

“As for why he failed to perform at Manchester United, we can only guess that it may be a problem with his environment or the people around him, or maybe it is because he does not recognize the coach. If this matter continues to drag on, I can’t see the possibility of improvement. , breaking up is the best outcome for both parties.”

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